Ivw got doorsLooks like the left door has an issue ...
Well I went to find out about the 70 Polara convertible super light car and it’s turning into a bit of a treasure hunt. I went to the impound yard and talked with a guy there and he said he was not able to sell them because he didn’t own them , he was Storing them for a friend. He did give me a contact name and a business address where the person worked. it was just a first name but i’ll take it . With address in hand off I went on a 15 min drive . I Arrived at the business and chatted with a very nice secretary. As it turns out the person I am looking for is a Lady that works there and she does want to sell the cars but The secretary could not give me her contact number but instead took down all of my contact information and said somebody will definitely be getting a hold of me in the near future. She also said that those are just a few of the old cars this lady has and It sounded like she was wanting to sell all of them. Well after about 10 minutes she assured me again that somebody would get a hold of me so that’s where it’s at now. I’m trying not to be too overly optimistic but The thrill of the chase has gotten a hold of me now ! I will keep you guys informed.
Well I went to find out about the 70 Polara convertible super light car and it’s turning into a bit of a treasure hunt. I went to the impound yard and talked with a guy there and he said he was not able to sell them because he didn’t own them , he was Storing them for a friend. He did give me a contact name and a business address where the person worked. it was just a first name but i’ll take it . With address in hand off I went on a 15 min drive . I Arrived at the business and chatted with a very nice secretary. As it turns out the person I am looking for is a Lady that works there and she does want to sell the cars but The secretary could not give me her contact number but instead took down all of my contact information and said somebody will definitely be getting a hold of me in the near future. She also said that those are just a few of the old cars this lady has and It sounded like she was wanting to sell all of them. Well after about 10 minutes she assured me again that somebody would get a hold of me so that’s where it’s at now. I’m trying not to be too overly optimistic but The thrill of the chase has gotten a hold of me now ! I will keep you guys informed.
I will give it my best shot , I’m hoping to get some better pictures. The car has no rag top and is covered with covered with snow. But I actually can’t wait to see it close up and personal. I understand production numbers on these cars were low. Is there a chance that this could be a 440 car? (If it even has a engine ) Im going to go back today to see if I can get some tag and serial number pics for you guys. But your always rolling the dice at an impound yard.Thank you! To be clear I have little interest in the car other than documenting the car for the registry.
I once chased a 70 polara convertible for 15 years before it disappeared . That was 20 years ago.... the car was there, then gone. Went to a mechanics shop, the mechanic said he gave it to the junk man. The police say it's under investigation and they can't discuss an open investigation .
My point is please stay aggressive if only for the numbers.
But your always rolling the dice at an impound yard.
I will give it my best shot , I’m hoping to get some better pictures. The car has no rag top and is covered with covered with snow. But I actually can’t wait to see it close up and personal. I understand production numbers on these cars were low. Is there a chance that this could be a 440 car? (If it even has a engine ) Im going to go back today to see if I can get some tag and serial number pics for you guys. But your always rolling the dice at an impound yard.
Sent? That was foolish, were you expecting her to take photos?
In a situation like this it is best to do the 20 dollar palm press...
Being a bit optimistic when we're still in January aren't we Bob? lol
Being a bit optimistic when we're still in January aren't we Bob? lol
View attachment 347959 Well I have some news about the Polara . It just gets stranger . I went to the impound yard the gate was open but the doors were locked to the building but I could hear a payloader working in the back. I took it upon myself to walk over to the car without permission. The car was about 200 feet away and it was 2 foot deep snow all the way there. I popped the hood and no fender tag , it had a 318 and the Serial number was covered up on the dash on purpose . What’s up with that ? Then I noticed the beware of dog sign hanging on the fence and the faint bark of a dog behind the building so I got the hell out of there. LOL i’m too old to out run dogs but thankfully I didn’t have to I got back to my truck no problem and got out of there. I got one picture of the grill and that was it. I’m still waiting for the owner to contact me. The car was covered with about 8 inches of snow and I couldn’t get any pictures of the interior there was nothing to look at it But snow. The front corner and grill took a hit Somewhere along the line.