Senior Member
I see that the vast pot fields that are on fire in your state, the smoke has reached your community. Wait for the wind to shift... you'll feel better..
Now that's funny!
I see that the vast pot fields that are on fire in your state, the smoke has reached your community. Wait for the wind to shift... you'll feel better..
Now that's funny!
Ask your Governor why he let them in undocumented and allowed them to rum amuck and create all this havoc? You voted for it, you eat it!I got home late tonite because some ahole lit Mt Emma Rd on fire. Cost me over an hour to backtrack and start home a completely different way. These arsonists should be pitched into a wood chipper.
Ask your Governor why he let them in undocumented and allowed them to rum amuck and create all this havoc? You voted for it, you eat it!
Agree with the democrat ways destroying pretty much anything and everything they get involved with, but just because someone still lives there, doesn't mean they approve, or ever voted for a $hit 4 brains democrat. Seems you may have a case full of trophies for being a condescending prick. You may think being rude and acting superior makes people respect you, but it just confirms you are socially inept and may explain if you have no friends.
The truth hurts, I agreed about the actions of democrats turning everything to $hit that they touch... If you mean the truth hurts you about being socially inept, that would make you the snowflake... don't it snowflake!...? You live in the midwest, what do you know what has gone on there politically and illegally? Why don't you go ask Kate Steinly that!...?
I did not vote for him. I voted for Knox. Weesh.Ask your Governor why he let them in undocumented and allowed them to rum amuck and create all this havoc? You voted for it, you eat it!
Pot, meet kettle.Agree with the democrat ways destroying pretty much anything and everything they get involved with, but just because someone still lives there, doesn't mean they approve, or ever voted for a $hit 4 brains democrat. Seems you may have a case full of trophies for being a condescending prick. You may think being rude and acting superior makes people respect you, but it just confirms you are socially inept and may explain if you have no friends.
Pot, meet kettle.
When it comes to California, you know nothing about what you're talking about. It's all water on a ducks back to me! Besides has2b, I was directing my anger to Goose when you decided to step in and thicken the soup by quoting me and starting smack. Just sayin
Never criticize people about doing something by doing it yourself. It makes you their equal.For sure. I live on an adjusted "Treat others as you want to be treated" in that I treat others the way they treat others and reciprocate what I'm given. I haven't given any grief to anyone that wasn't dishing it out before hand. I was just giving him a jab, as I stated in post 68. I don't think his feelings were hurt too badly and I don't think it was a felony offence. Pretty sure we'll both survive it.
I was just on a restoration thread for a '66 300 and he was pretty rude over there. It's old, but I just went through it before he bit someone's *** over here. Start on page 4 about post 77 and see what your opinion is. I guess I should let people defend themselves, but some people just take it. If someone thinks I'm being a prick, they should surely call me out...
Take care,