68PK21 440.6bbl
Old Man with a Hat
A lot of guys died for nothing.
Not really, Exxon had 1 billion dollars invested in offshore oil rights with the South Vietnam government.
A lot of guys died for nothing.
Your worthwhile prompt might also be appreciated over on the America thread. The book is now saved in my Amazon wish list.I invite all of you to read No More Vietnams by RMN.
We now return you to your fire.........
I disagree with your disagree.Blame Nixon for getting the US out...
Hmmmm, more out of control fires in Napa county NorCal today
Nixon got handed the bag of skunks and it was too late to do anything but leave. Our government betrayed every soldier sent over there. If we had helped them ( the Vietnamese people) to be free of the French after WW2 it would’ve never happened.
No, he was a mobbed up democrat.LoL!!! That was a democrat war run and lost by them. Kennedy gave us a ride over there and then el BJ mismanaged and micromanaged it until it got so bad that he quit his office. Nixon got handed the bag of skunks and it was too late to do anything but leave. Our government betrayed every soldier sent over there. If we had helped them ( the Vietnamese people) to be free of the French after WW2 it would’ve never happened.
Truman was a republican too right????
It's not the state, it's the corrupt management. .
You said shithole, and it's only a shithole because of the management and the like minded people and morons that keep them in power. I didn't say state government; I said state, as in the physical land.Wait, what? Is there a difference between the two, when did that change?
No, he was a mobbed up democrat.
He was an advocate of socialized health care, aka govt run.He would be correctly referred to as a pre-socialist/communist democrat, there is a big difference.
Not in 1945. A bunch of folks who fought alongside us or against the bad guys got handed over lock stock and barrel back to their colonial or soviet masters. The French the Dutch etc etc. That was at the end of WW2 not during the Korean War. A lot of wiped out governments just wanted their stuff back and we just wanted to go home. Ask Poland or any of the hopeful, soon to be ex, colonials who got screwed over.Nixon escalated the bombing to bring the north to the peace table, didn't work so the loss falls on Nixon.
As far as the French aspect goes, ummm we were a little busy fighting the reds in N. Korea
Not in 1945. A bunch of folks who fought alongside us or against the bad guys got handed over lock stock and barrel back to their colonial or soviet masters. The French the Dutch etc etc. That was at the end of WW2 not during the Korean War. A lot of wiped out governments just wanted their stuff back and we just wanted to go home. Ask Poland or any of the hopeful, soon to be ex, colonials who got screwed over.
It’s easy to armchair general the end of WW2. We weren’t there. Heck there are even folks who think we shouldn’t have Atom bombed japan. Horrible as it was nobody wanted the war to go on except them so we had no choice.