West coast fires - Arson

So, some of these wildfires were started deliberately by some of the same people who were involved in the rioting. I'd be willing to bet that most, if not all, of them would qualify as tree huggers. I would also bet that, if you asked them, they would say Climate Change is the biggest problem facing the human race.

So, in addition to possibly being to blame for starting some of the fires in the cities during the riots, what do they do? They deliberately set the forest on fire. Then, they blame the forest fires on Climate Change.

But wait, what is the forest? The forest is basically hundreds of square miles of trees.

What is a tree? A tree is a carbon sink. It removes carbon from the atmosphere and stores it. Trees are said to reduce Climate Change, but that only applies if the trees are not on fire!

What do these idiots use to start the fires? In a lot of cases they use lighters filled with butane, a fossil fuel. To set some of the fires, they also used gasoline, another fossil fuel.

But these are the same people who protest against the use of fossil fuel. They claim that it pollutes and causes Climate Change. Yet, they use fossil fuel to set cars and SUV's on fire. They use fossil fuel to burn down buildings and, yes, they use fossil fuel to set the wild lands and forests on fire.

The burning dumpsters, vehicles and buildings release all kinds of pollutants into the air. The same air that these tree huggers claim is never clean enough.
Nixon got handed the bag of skunks and it was too late to do anything but leave. Our government betrayed every soldier sent over there. If we had helped them ( the Vietnamese people) to be free of the French after WW2 it would’ve never happened.

Nixon escalated the bombing to bring the north to the peace table, didn't work so the loss falls on Nixon.

As far as the French aspect goes, ummm we were a little busy fighting the reds in N. Korea

LoL!!! That was a democrat war run and lost by them. Kennedy gave us a ride over there and then el BJ mismanaged and micromanaged it until it got so bad that he quit his office. Nixon got handed the bag of skunks and it was too late to do anything but leave. Our government betrayed every soldier sent over there. If we had helped them ( the Vietnamese people) to be free of the French after WW2 it would’ve never happened.

Truman was a republican too right????
No, he was a mobbed up democrat.
3 new fires yesterday. Heavy ash fallout on everything this morning. Unbreathable air outside. Already have evac bags packed from last time.
It's not the state, it's the corrupt management. They should gather up everyone involved including the governor and tow them 100 miles offshore in a ship with no outside communication, several mechanical issues and several leaks. If they are able to all work together and make good decisions, they could make it back.

Hopefully they make some solid connections with blatant mismanagement and worse and throw a bunch of politicians in prison for the purposeful destruction of federal, state and private property and find them responsible/liable for the loss of life for those that didn't make it out.
Wait, what? Is there a difference between the two, when did that change?
You said shithole, and it's only a shithole because of the management and the like minded people and morons that keep them in power. I didn't say state government; I said state, as in the physical land.
Nixon escalated the bombing to bring the north to the peace table, didn't work so the loss falls on Nixon.

As far as the French aspect goes, ummm we were a little busy fighting the reds in N. Korea

Not in 1945. A bunch of folks who fought alongside us or against the bad guys got handed over lock stock and barrel back to their colonial or soviet masters. The French the Dutch etc etc. That was at the end of WW2 not during the Korean War. A lot of wiped out governments just wanted their stuff back and we just wanted to go home. Ask Poland or any of the hopeful, soon to be ex, colonials who got screwed over.

It’s easy to armchair general the end of WW2. We weren’t there. Heck there are even folks who think we shouldn’t have Atom bombed japan. Horrible as it was nobody wanted the war to go on except them so we had no choice.
Not in 1945. A bunch of folks who fought alongside us or against the bad guys got handed over lock stock and barrel back to their colonial or soviet masters. The French the Dutch etc etc. That was at the end of WW2 not during the Korean War. A lot of wiped out governments just wanted their stuff back and we just wanted to go home. Ask Poland or any of the hopeful, soon to be ex, colonials who got screwed over.

It’s easy to armchair general the end of WW2. We weren’t there. Heck there are even folks who think we shouldn’t have Atom bombed japan. Horrible as it was nobody wanted the war to go on except them so we had no choice.

I see that the vast pot fields that are on fire in your state, the smoke has reached your community. Wait for the wind to shift... you'll feel better.
