What are you doing for Christmas???


Old Man with a Hat
Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central Oklahoma
Today, Christmas Eve, I'm driving the Imperial to a little function called "Atomic Coffee" that a friend holds every year at this time. He owns probably the best parts store around. A bunch of us get the old cars, hot rods, or whatever is running out and gather there for a couple of hours worth of coffee with your choice of "flavor enhancers", plus the best damn chili on the planet! It's a lot of fun!

Christmas Day is the usual thing - open presents, cook turkey, eat turkey, watch "Christmas Story" and "It's a Wonderful Life", then football!!!

Oh, yeah...Merry Christmas to all! Happy Hanukkah, too, a little late!
Having the kids and grandkids over after lunch and decorating Christmas cookies that grandma made. Later we'll open presents and then eat a Christmas meal together! Simple pleasures!


Hopefully going to go look at this over the weekend!!!!
I'm taking the engine and trans out of Mary from Canoga Park. :icon_thumleft:
Working on the house, if I watch anything it will be Bad Santa, The Grinch, or Die Hard one... something Christmasy. No road trip planned this year.
Spending the day with Daughter, Grand Daughter, and the guy they share the house with. I ask the dip **** 3 weekz ago if he had a snap ring pliers i could borrow. He said sure and after 5 dayz My Daughter called and said HE CAN"T FIND THEM. This iz the guy that said he had no room for my 55 year collection of just about every tool known to man. He'z gettin' ah snap ring plierz for Christmas if I have to pack it next to hiz prostate.
Breaking out the snowblower today. We got about 7" of snow this morning. Hunkering in the bunker tonight with the lovely wife and some Bailey's. If the roads are good, we'll go to my mom's for Christmas Day.

Alfred says....Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.....
catching up with my life after being gone for most of year..spendin it home with family..merry xmas all enjoy
Took the Imperial to my buddy's auto parts store "Atomic Coffee" blowout - the weather here is clear and 60*F (15*C for you metric fans!) with a North wind, so it was an absolute perfect day to get together with fellow hotrodders and car guys. There were probably 30 cars and trucks present, with my Imperial ragtop, a 440 Dart 1/8-mile car, and a '77 Power Wagon representing the Mopar contingent. Of course, where is my camera? Home. No pics, sorry! The store owner is Tim, and he has a '42 Chevy coupe that is going to become a gasser, a '50 Chevy shop truck, and a '59 Studebaker 1-ton he had rolled out as a running chassis and painted cab. Great guy! Atomic Coffee is coffee with your choice of "additives" to make it as atomic as you like! Plus, his dad makes "Atomic Chili" which is da bomb, if you will! Great day all around. Plus, I got to add another seventy miles worth behind the wheel of the Imperial...damn, I love the way that car runs and drives! Eighty miles per hour is there before I know it!

Christmas Day should be a fine one here at home, as well.
I'm currently cooking up 10lbs of potato salad and have a couple of hams to cut up plus other stuff too. Not exactly sure what I will be doing tomorrow...
Don't know where I'm going but I'll be taking a cruise in the NYB.

Ordering some parts from 440 source....
Spending the day with Daughter, Grand Daughter, and the guy they share the house with. I ask the dip **** 3 weekz ago if he had a snap ring pliers i could borrow. He said sure and after 5 dayz My Daughter called and said HE CAN"T FIND THEM. This iz the guy that said he had no room for my 55 year collection of just about every tool known to man. He'z gettin' ah snap ring plierz for Christmas if I have to pack it next to hiz prostate.

So what did you wind up doing with your collection? This has been a thought on my mind for many years. I don't have anyone else in my family who would benefit or even know what to do with most of it. A decade ago I gave the wife a list of young men in the industry who might buy or help sell it off. They have all establish themselves or left the industry by now. I am not looking to sell right now, those tools are my ultimate "job security" for at least the next decade. But at retail, out value my mortgage. I have been kicking around finding ways to trade off a little, $16k tool box for nice Formal perhaps... but it is even a bigger PITA to haul. I think I will get with my tax consultant to see if the rest can be broken down to sets and donated to offset inheritance taxes... but those rules keep changing. I do need to revisit my will anyhow.
The charger and your Imp are the only cars in that pic that dont look Retarded.

Be nice, the SS Camaro and SEL Benz look stock and I like the lowered look on the silver p/u...even if I could live without the wheels and cowl induction.

Patrick stole the show IMO... I love second gen Chargers, but it will never have the style of Patrick's Imp
Its 0530 CST and getting ready for work to answer all of those 911 and non 911 calls from the public. The past few days have been a zoo with the full moon cycle. After work go see my Mom in the nursing home and then my girldriends parents home for the family zoo Christmas,
Its 0530 CST and getting ready for work to answer all of those 911 and non 911 calls from the public. The past few days have been a zoo with the full moon cycle. After work go see my Mom in the nursing home and then my girldriends parents home for the family zoo Christmas,

Cop, EMT or firefighter... you guys all get a rough time when the moon comes out full...
It's a full moon every day for Warfighter's........

To be honest. I am glad they didn't take me... I wasn't ready for the discipline when I tried. Not sure if they would have fixed me or gave up on me. And the crap a lot of the combat vets have seen and been through... you guys are my heroes... I never mean to utter a word that would make me seem a "mahogany general".