What happens to your cars when your gone!

Bummer. My son gets it all. He has been eyeballing my 68 Charger since he was crawling on the shop floor.
I do need to look into a trust. I got lucky with my dad, no long term care.
I would hate to see it get gobbled up by a home/care.
I actually think about this monthly...I have to figure out how to sell them when I'm gone and everything goes to the humane society. I'm not kidding.
FCBO would be a good start or a trusted auction house.
My daughter is an absolute car nut old and new. I am not allowed any more projects unless I either get rid of either my Omni glhs or my Fury. I love both too much. My happiness will be to get both closer to my ideal till I pass knowing that my daughter will know best what to do with them.
i have no idea what would happen to my 14 vehicles and all the parts and my guns. the guns would most likely go to 2 friends of mine and only 1 of them shows the combination to my gun safe. no kids and never married there is nobody pass cars and trucks on to. my 85 year old dad would have no clue let alone does he or anybody else know where all of my keys and titles are. my sister thinks that just about everything i own should be junked my 2 nieces want either of my 2 mustangs but they both refuse to learn how to drive a 5spd. now if i knew i only had a short time left to get ride of my stuff i am sure someone here would take my newport and maybe some of my others.
Cue up "Willie the Wimp in His Cadillac Coffin" . . . Stevie Ray Vaughn.
When the time comes, my son will get whatever cars I have when I cark it. The rest of it can get thrown out for all I care.
My son is very much a car guy, and just started working at Artistic Customs in Jasper, OR as an apprentice. That being said, he very much wants the Newport, and is already on the title. I'm more worried about my model trains and those being divided up after I'm gone. Most of my train friends are older than me.
I don't know....

My nephew and niece definitely will be fighting over my Redeye and Scat Pack. They will both want my Ram. I think they would sell both C-Bodies.
IMO you have to stop worrying about what happens to the cars because you'll be dead and will never know so why burden your loved ones with your wishes. If you have someone who really wants them, that's great but you should be thinking about how best what you have can improve the lives of the loved ones you leave behind. No kids so everything is my wife's so my only concern is how to make it easy for her to get the most out of what I had. She'll keep a few of the firearms for self defense but unless she re-marry s, I assume she'll sell it all and put it into a savings to make her remaining years better. That's all I truly want after I'm dead. I'm already working with my attorney to get everything out of my name to protect the assets so it will all be hers soon anyway but that's my unique situation and I'm not recommending it.
Sell them before it gets to that . I'm down to one . I really don't care what happens to it when I'm gone. Itll probably pay for my funeral.
I've told my wife several times, that I owe absolutely NO ONE for any car, part, or tool i have. What I have is mine, period. I have never borrowed or lent tools, ever, so the "hey, can I get my hoist/jack/tools back, he borrowed...", or "he said he'd sell me the car for five grand", she can say with confidence to "piss off!" to anyone claiming anything from my estate. I've also promised no one anything I have.

My wife can do whatever she wishes with my stuff...sell it, burn it, divide it amongst my sons, whatever. I'd rather leave her less to have to deal with, in terms of stuff, when that time comes. People who say **** like "he who dies with the most toys, wins" is talking out his ***. It just leaves a mess for others to sort through and clean up. Very selfish, IMO.

But, before all that, I'm finding more and more the older I get, the more I want to sell everything, retire for real, and travel the roads. Maybe in the Coronet or Imperial, pulling a small Airstream. A couple of years just touring, with the absolute minimum usage of cells or interwebz.
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This has been on my mind quite a bit since my dad passed away a couple years ago and we had to deal with his things. Gave away the house trailer. Sold his pickup truck. My brother got his '78 Oldsmobile but hasn't bothered to change the ownership over yet. I got his '66 Windsor sedan. It's got a lot of sentimental value but deteriorated to parts car status now. It's still sitting in my parents' driveway, but will eventually wind-up parked in a friend's field with his old cars until I figure something else to do with it.

I hope at least one of my kids gets the "old car bug" from me, so whatever cars I have when I die can stay in the family. I try to encourage them, but it's hard to compete with the "instant gratification" you get from goofing off on the internet, versus the delayed gratification and manual labor associated with restoring and maintaining a car though.
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If this is a true concern, sell them now to someone who would want your car(s). I wonder what will happen to my 6 Christmas Villages as my children have no interest. But, concerning either, when we're dead, we're dead, and the issue is out of our hands. We can take care of it while we are alive.
I'm more worried about my tools. Some of them I had for 50 years and a few were my Dad's that are even older. Can't take them with me. LOL!
This subject is why I want to get my cars on the road, and drive the crap outta them, shiney paint be damned, I want to tour the country at 80 mph in my old cars.
My kids will figure out what car they want, fight over the tools and all will be good.

My oldest has already figured out that my lift will fit nicely in his barn.
I appreciate this topic. It's not easy and fun but not everything can be. In the end the things are just minerals. Ive told my family just that. I have told my wife to dump it cheap and fast, the split between that and good money is not worth the trouble . I would rather it go to the shredder then dominate their life. Its my hobby, not theirs.

I have nephews that are car guys and if they end up with something great. If they want to trade it for something else. Do it. But they are not allowed to be saddled. That's the deal. They can get their own crap to saddle themselves with. I do need to downsize for this reason. But I want even more cars. I'm not a guy to be satisfied with one car but once I can no longer crawl under them and do motor swaps. Ill get to one or none.
Well not none, if I can safely operate it.

A thing struck a chord with me. My father inlaw is a retired banker ( also has too many cars) and has told me countless times about how many elderly couples he had as customers, that sold the home and got an rv so they can snow bird. Because that's what the man wants.
They do this a couple years and then he dies. Then the wife is alone with no house and the worst investment in the world. She is stuck with trying to sell a used rv that more often than not she can't even drive.
Pretty selfish. Better off to keep the home and get a timeshare. That way when you die on the beach.
The wife just has to get a cab to the airport.