What non C-body/non-MOPAR would you drive as a daily . . .

My '78 is my daily driver. I drive an '07 Nissan Titan LE on inclement weather days. Why not......it's faster than a Ram. LOL!:poke:
My daily driver is a Honda Civic hatchback. It gets 38mpg and I never have to work on it besides changing brakes, tires, and oil (pretty close to that order too). The best part about it is that when I wear it out, I can just go get another one anywhere.

Civics are where I cut my teeth in terms of learning how to turn a wrench. I sold a Honda CRX to help pay for my Newport, and had my other 91 Civic five speed on Craigslist, but might just keep it. It has developed a really bad miss fire that crops up every now and again even after I've changed the plugs, wires, dizzy cap and rotor. It also had the timing belt, tensionor, head gasket and water pump done less than 15,000 miles ago.

I'm starting to suspect a bad TPS, MAP sensor, ECU or ignitor and coil in the dizzy. :(
Civics are where I cut my teeth in terms of learning how to turn a wrench. I sold a Honda CRX to help pay for my Newport, and had my other 91 Civic five speed on Craigslist, but might just keep it. It has developed a really bad miss fire that crops up every now and again even after I've changed the plugs, wires, dizzy cap and rotor. It also had the timing belt, tensionor, head gasket and water pump done less than 15,000 miles ago.

I'm starting to suspect a bad TPS, MAP sensor, ECU or ignitor and coil in the dizzy. :(
If it's an intermittent problem, I'd start with that ignitor. I had a faulty one in a '87 Accord that drove me crazy trying to figure out. Over the years, I've owned at least 30 various Honda's from '86-'97 and have never replaced a TPS, MAP, or ECU.

Loved those 88-91 hatchbacks. Here's my former '91 with '88 Accord wheels
cars 044.jpg

cars 044.jpg
If it's an intermittent problem, I'd start with that ignitor. I had a faulty one in a '87 Accord that drove me crazy trying to figure out. Over the years, I've owned at least 30 various Honda's from '86-'97 and have never replaced a TPS, MAP, or ECU.

Loved those 88-91 hatchbacks. Here's my former '91 with '88 Accord wheels
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Clean hatch! I'm gonna try to make time to hit up the junk yard and snatch some ignitors and coil packs and give them a try.
The 73' got sideswiped in the wee hours of the morning. I came outside to go to work, driver's side was fine. Walked around to the pass side to throw my brief case in and the fender, door were practically destroyed...glass everywhere. I cried in the middle of the street the day. still painful.
I was racing the 72' against one of the security officers at burlington county college down the main driveway in front of the college building one night. They had ex-cop chevy caprice at the time. The idiot decided to drive his car into mine (I had him by half car length) almost instantly from start. We both go into a deep culvert on the side of the road. They backed the caprice out, but I had to be pulled out. banged up the front end beyond repair. He got fired the next day. The head of security gave me 500 bucks to keep my mouth shut cause it would have been his *** also for allowing shenanigans like that going on at night...on school property, in school vehicles, with school employees. T

Stupid, stupid, stupid I know (for trashing the car). I've got most of that rebellious stuff out of my blood now.....................mostly.
Give me hard time if you must, but my requirements for a daily driver were good mileage and A/C, anything else was a bonus, so I ended up with a Mazda3. It was the best bang for the buck, which has always been my mantra. And no, there will not be a fart can on it. I looked at the Dart but there was no hatch available.