1. 1970 2d ht 300
2. 1969 2d ht 300
3. 1970 2d ht Monaco
4. 1970 2d ht Polara
5-7. 1969-1971 2d ht Imperial´s
8. 1969 convertible Imperial, yes i know they didnt make those. But Newport with Imperial rear and front.....
Then rest Chrysler 2d ht´s.
Then rest 1970-1971 Plymouth.
Last is all 1969 Plymouths and Dodges.
2. 1969 2d ht 300
3. 1970 2d ht Monaco
4. 1970 2d ht Polara
5-7. 1969-1971 2d ht Imperial´s
8. 1969 convertible Imperial, yes i know they didnt make those. But Newport with Imperial rear and front.....
Then rest Chrysler 2d ht´s.
Then rest 1970-1971 Plymouth.
Last is all 1969 Plymouths and Dodges.