Good for you man, you're hooked......
Congrats Nick! I knew you weren't going to listen to reason, you're just like everyone else here with more than 1 project.
Just wait till he does get really married..
lol Congrats Nick.
Yep, stepped up and made the commitment. 22 years old and two C body's. Nicks got it as bad as any ole guy here. :drowning:
Thanks for making me look bad Nick your half my age and have 2 I have none. LOL.
I came to the same realization last night as to just how lucky I am, the C body hobby and the Mopar Community as a whole have yielded me many rare opportunities and many good friends and connections, of the $1400 Worth of Mopars I've bought, I've got a lifetime's worth of fun and friendship, not a bad investment if you ask me.
Rather than spend that $1400 on booze, smokes, drugs, video games or other vises, I believe I simply invested my money.