It got solved overnight. 65sporty got two thirds of it correct.
1. This is the St. Regis Hotel in Detroit on Grand Boulevard near Woodward. Here's the entrance where the Jeep was .. the awning has changed in 20 years.
2. There are actually TWO famous buildings nearby -- either one you could get credit for. Pic below is looking WEST on Grand Boulevard. St Regis on the right, same side of street to the WEST the TALL structure is the Fisher Building, and to the left on the SOUTH side is the old GM World HQ.
3. The mystery building. Detroit had one of the most extraordinary "Tiki" Polynesian restaurants in the midwest. The Mauna Loa -- yeah, like the volcano. You can read about it if interested.
Mauna Loa, 1967
Its heyday was the late 1960's to about 1972. It was a bit in decline by 1973, living on a reputation that was outsized compared to the actual experience of dining there. And the areas south of the Eight Mile on Woodward were "changing" -- so I will leave it at that.
By about 1981, it had been closed, sold to somebody else as a low budget seafood place, and then shortly after that it mysteriously burned in a fire beyond repair.
Looking at the color photo, you see the EAST wall of the orginal St. Regis Building. After the fire, the St. Regis expanded and added a big parking lot where the Mauna Loa was.
Our family never could affor to eat there, we were told the Mauna Loa was quite a place. In fact today you can still find unique collectibles -- menus, mugs, matchbooks, etc. -- that were ONLY from the Mauna Loa. People remember it fondly.