Why is ISIS destroying historical evidence

Yep. And the Christian church has done the same thousands of years ago, unfortunately they dont teach THAT to my Kids in sunday school.
The Bible particularly the old testament has plenty of it's own retrograde teachings. I can't say anything about your kids going to bible school since my kids went through the separate Catholic school system here in Ontario. We initially sent them there believing the hype about their better academic standards. That turned out to be a crock. We came to be concerned about the impact on our kids development of nonsensical teachings such as miracle healings, the immaculate conception and vivid depictions of the torments of hell which are the standard fodder for young children in a Christian school. It turns out I didn't give my kids enough credit. Somebody here has his signature over "fundamentalist agnostic". That to my relief pretty accurately describes their disposition today.
You will have to proove it, I can proove you the opposite.
Just take the WW2 and communism and you are far beyond.
But I do agree that too much people were killed in the name of religion.

No I dont, I will defer back to you proving your statement
Religion is behind what is going on because it is forcing everyone to watch it in action. It knows no limits in seeking the biggest audience. The next media ***** is the Wall Street pharma companies.
More people have died in the name of religion than for any other reason, ever!

Like stated above, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Idi Amin, Stalin - these together blow your statement out of the water

You will have to proove it, I can proove you the opposite.
Just take the WW2 and communism and you are far beyond.
But I do agree that too much people were killed in the name of religion.

If they weren't dying for a religious cause, they'd be dying for territory, resources (water, oil), control...lots of other things.

Yep. And the Christian church has done the same thousands of years ago, unfortunately they dont teach THAT to my Kids in sunday school.

The Christian Church is only TWO thousand years old, give or take a couple of few years. You DO know why the Crusades existed, right??? It was Christians REGAINING control of lands that the Muslims conquered in earlier times (from 670 AD to about 1250 AD). The Crusades were several different campaigns that lasted over 400 years, culminating with the Siege of Vienna in 1683. This pushed the Muslim hoardes back to what was left of the Ottoman Empire. A Islamic caliphate that ended after WWI, in 1923.
Like stated above, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Idi Amin, Stalin - these together blow your statement out of the water

If they weren't dying for a religious cause, they'd be dying for territory, resources (water, oil), control...lots of other things.

The Christian Church is only TWO thousand years old, give or take a couple of few years. You DO know why the Crusades existed, right??? It was Christians REGAINING control of lands that the Muslims conquered in earlier times (from 670 AD to about 1250 AD). The Crusades were several different campaigns that lasted over 400 years, culminating with the Siege of Vienna in 1683. This pushed the Muslim hoardes back to what was left of the Ottoman Empire. A Islamic caliphate that ended after WWI, in 1923.

Youre entitled ....
While many wars are due to direct conflicts between religious factions, many more can be attributed in part to religiously sanctioned conflict. It is therefore not a simple matter of totalling body counts by each category of war and making a determination which was worse. Major religions are inherently hierarchical and authoritarian with a god at the top, represented by clergy who typically have power over male believers, who in turn have power over females and children. Regular folks at the bottom of the pecking order are taught by religion to be submissive and patient while here on earth, and to take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reward. Therefore as long as there has been religion the learned behaviour of religious adherents is not to think for themselves but rather to seek guidance in all aspects of their life from those considered to be leaders. Therefore it should be no surprise that people are taken in by propaganda from leaders who seek to enter into war to expand their power and wealth particularly when they claim their actions are sanctioned by the church.

Historically despotic leaders have consistently wrapped themselves in a divine or holy mantel. A case in point is Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler says in Mein Kampf that he was doing God's work in destroying the Jewish race. The Nazis were creationists and rejected Darwin's concept of evolution completely. They actively persecuted great atheist thinkers such as Freud and Einstein. In answering a heckler on this point Christopher Hitchens asks why is "oath that every officer of the Party and the Army had to take, making Hitler into a minor god, begins, “I swear in the name of almighty God, my loyalty to the Fuhrer?” How come that on the belt buckle of every Nazi soldier it says Gott mit uns, God on our side? How come that the first treaty made by the Nationalist Socialist dictatorship, the very first is with the Vatican?" Clearly there were many other influences on the rise of Hitler such as the Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression but the religious leanings of the German population helped open the door to his seizure of power.

I am of view that only once mankind discards religious dogma will there be a hope of maintaining a healthy democracy. The first step will be to recognize that religion is a delusion. Only then can we keep the next generation from falling into the same trap. OK it's past my bed time.
While many wars are due to direct conflicts between religious factions, many more can be attributed in part to religiously sanctioned conflict. It is therefore not a simple matter of totalling body counts by each category of war and making a determination which was worse. Major religions are inherently hierarchical and authoritarian with a god at the top, represented by clergy who typically have power over male believers, who in turn have power over females and children. Regular folks at the bottom of the pecking order are taught by religion to be submissive and patient while here on earth, and to take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reward. Therefore as long as there has been religion the learned behaviour of religious adherents is not to think for themselves but rather to seek guidance in all aspects of their life from those considered to be leaders. Therefore it should be no surprise that people are taken in by propaganda from leaders who seek to enter into war to expand their power and wealth particularly when they claim their actions are sanctioned by the church.

Historically despotic leaders have consistently wrapped themselves in a divine or holy mantel. A case in point is Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler says in Mein Kampf that he was doing God's work in destroying the Jewish race. The Nazis were creationists and rejected Darwin's concept of evolution completely. They actively persecuted great atheist thinkers such as Freud and Einstein. In answering a heckler on this point Christopher Hitchens asks why is "oath that every officer of the Party and the Army had to take, making Hitler into a minor god, begins, “I swear in the name of almighty God, my loyalty to the Fuhrer?” How come that on the belt buckle of every Nazi soldier it says Gott mit uns, God on our side? How come that the first treaty made by the Nationalist Socialist dictatorship, the very first is with the Vatican?" Clearly there were many other influences on the rise of Hitler such as the Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression but the religious leanings of the German population helped open the door to his seizure of power.

I am of view that only once mankind discards religious dogma will there be a hope of maintaining a healthy democracy. The first step will be to recognize that religion is a delusion. Only then can we keep the next generation from falling into the same trap. OK it's past my bed time.
A solutely awesome! And thats why the state/government and church is clearly devided in Germany. It takes time for people and governments to grow and learn from mistakes, maybe a clear separation between the church and the government in America would help too, to solve some issues. I dont know...
"I like the puppet on the left"
"I like the puppet on the right"
"Wait, why is there one person holding both puppets?"
"Shut up America, you're government is in control"

-Bill Hicks
Death Tolls:
Communist China: 65 million
Communist Soviet Union: 20 million
Communist Cambodia: 2 million
Communist North Korea: 2 million
Communist Eastern European Countries:
1 million
Communist Vietnam: 1 million

OK, I will give you one thing...In the 1,400+ years of Islamic tyranny, an estimated 400 MILLION people have died at the hands of the adherents of Islam, worldwide.