Will dual knob radio fit in the hole?


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Feb 6, 2025
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The radio has the two knobs on the top left, I see some mopar radios with a dial on each side of the radio instead. Will it still fit the hole okay? Thanks!
Is the faceplate the same size?

What vehicle are you concerned with?

Yes, ONE case and mounting lug arrangement. Different faceplates to fit various model years and such.

In some of the later models, there might be only ONE wire going to each rear speaker, rather than two. NOT a hard deal to compensate for! Just make and run one ground wire from the non-powered speaker lug to a chassis ground. Just make sure the "power:" wire goes to the same terminal on both rear speakers, so they can be "in phase" for best lower frequency response. As in the voice coils going in the same direction at the same time. Seems like there is a speaker wiring schematic stamped near the speaker terminals on the back of the radio?

GM did the "one wire" rear speakers in the earlier 1970s, using factory speakers with an "internal ground" to complete the electrical circuit. The mounting screws ended up being the "final segment" of the ground path.

I always like the robustness of the Chrysler radio and speaker wiring, compared to what others were using! Over-engineered? Probably. Better? YES!


On most aftermarket speakers, the power wire is the wider terminal of the two.
I had a 1976 Toyota Corolla once and the model with the knobs, Even though looked almost the same, was like, I don't know, an eighth of an inch wider than the model with the knobs on the left, and you wouldn't know unless you physically tried to put it in there. Everything was very small in that car
Interesting detail. Fortunatelty this is not the case in Chrysler 1974- radios.

Only usability may suffer on some models if knob placement is different, but the fitment is still guaranteed.
Same mounting platform into the earlier 1990s, pre-LH car radios, as I recall. Faceplates became a bit curved, but same mounting size and lugs.
Here's the two Toyota radios I was talking about , they are NOT interchangeable , BUT they had the same hookups if I remember correctly. , and they have like the same size hole or something. My memory is fuzzy but I remember they looked like the would fit interchangeably but they did not hah the radio dial on the lower one were like 1/8 an inch too wide and it was super frustrating. The lower radio even comes with a black faceplate sometimes to make it look even more like it will fit. Haha


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