Woke up to this

C Body Bob

Old Man with a Hat
Apr 8, 2012
Reaction score
Youngsville, NC
Sometime during the night my carport collapsed. 2 inches of ice & the wind. It dented the roof on the Newport & the Barracuda. Also busted the mirror & some chrome on the Newport. These where not parts cars. Just too many projects & both have been sitting under that carport for at least 2 years. I paid $1200 for that carport 12 years ago. Hopefully my home owners policy will help out. Really sucks. Worried about my shop now. Built out of the same box tubing, but braced way better.
Ouch. Take a quick look at your deductible before calling. Nationwide insurance raised their roof/storm damage deductible to $2500 & slipped it in a little update coverage paper disguised as trash.
I didn't think the wind was that bad. There was some gust that where harder. It happened last night so I cant say for sure. I don't expect much help if any from the ins co. Dealt with them before. I've had more snow & ice on the carport. So it must have been all the rain (30 inches above normal for 2015) just had the ground soft & the anchors gave up
Before you file a claim, ask the person on the phone if JUST CALLING about a claim, consititutes a claim!!! Some insurance companies do exactly that, even if they pay out zero. It would then COUNT as a claim. Fuc*in' crooks!
Check out how it bent this pole over the roof of the Newport. That's a lot of weight to do that. Wind would have just laid it over
I feel for you buddy... I have swallowed any smaller losses like this... IDK about anywhere else but the insurance carriers will drop you like a hot potato here and the next carrier's first question is have you had any claims. They likely wont cover the cars if unregistered and even if they do for scrap value only... Look into wind rated replacements with a steeper roof... I would bet yours ice dammed and held too much water weight.
I called my local agent. Waite to hear back. Not so sure I want to file a claim. I may just buy another one & use what I can from this one to add on.
I called my local agent. Waite to hear back. Not so sure I want to file a claim. I may just buy another one & use what I can from this one to add on.

I wish you the best of luck and I'm really sorry to see the damage to your cars.
I'm pretty good at making lemon aid out of lemons. If I can save the roof I can put some stronger post up to mount it on