Wollfen's 1971 Sport Fury GT !

Dereck is right, have a look up there beside the Home button, is the last one to the right
I searched there more than once. I can't see your garage there either.
The only one by you I can find is this one
My collection to date
I could have sworn I saw something with your name appear when my cursor moved over the little red box with numbers in it next to Photo Garages, but I can't duplicate it now and this *!#$%*! crappy software won't show me what you posted.
Did you "save" it while you were building it and not actually "submit" it? That's pretty easy to do from my limited experience.
Joey said he can't see it either, but I can, so I don't know what is going on.

Did you "save" it while you were building it and not actually "submit" it? That's pretty easy to do from my limited experience.

I suspect that may be the case. You may have clicked the save as draft button, so it's only visible to you.

I didn't click the draft square no, let me look again. How do you submit it, I clicked the Create Garage button.
Okay I'm forwarding this onto Joey, I looked down the bottom and it had this,
Item Status:
Awaiting moderation before being displayed publicly.

Alright just got a msg back saying it should be fixed now. Please try it people and let me know, cheers.
I checked out the photo garage and it looks great, great work repairing what it needed and preserving the rest. It looks like it finally got washed too.
Well I tinkered more on the GT and fitted a few things, I put an original AM/FM thumbwheel radio back into the car as well as an original antenna too. And it works! There is now a brand new heater control valve in the car too, the old one while still having a good vacuum can on it still leaked for some reason. Once the car was topped off with new coolant I took it for a drive and watched the temperature again The car still overheats according to the gauge, I also removed the thermostat altogether as well earlier which sowed down the speed by which it overheats. Now that the system doesn't have a leak yes i can tell the car overheats still on the road, but it takes a long time to get u there. Considering the system is all new(I double checked it anyway) and knowing I had cleaned out the block before fitting new freeze plugs I figure the only thing it can be in the radiator which I fitted after giving it a visual inspection. I'm thinking there may be sediment in it, it isn't a new radiator so I am going to super flush the system and then see how it goes. I hope this works out, I do still want to make the Carlisle show.
