So I'm looking around for options. This 400 is a 1974 model. It's pan (933) interferes with the crossmember on a 1972 stub frame.
If l end up finding a 187 or 699 pan, does anyone know if the 74-78 oil pickup tube will work with it?
Has anyone had success using a generic big block pan (from Amazon/eBay etc) in a fuselage vehicle?
I wouldn't be opposed to "massaging" another 933 pan that already has dents/dings, but I'm not willing to do that to mine, it's almost perfect.
I've got a request in with my Unkle Xenon, and Scott if you could text me that would be great.
Im not looking for a perfect or NOS example, weathered but serviceable is fine. If anyone else has a decent used 187/699 pan you're willing to part with, please drop a PM.