
You're all so stupid


I believe a parallel is being made between the internment and resettlement operations in WWII Germany and what could come to pass in our own country as evidenced by the 2010 military procedures noted above.

Scary stuff indeed.
I would like to think there are still some Americans that would rise up against something like that. I would, and we are armed. Well, the wife is, the feds won't let me have a firearm.
I would like to think there are still some Americans that would rise up against something like that. I would, and we are armed. Well, the wife is, the feds won't let me have a firearm.

They won't let me have one either, but I would sure as hell have one when **** hits the fan.
Ok, I'm stupid. Explain please.

I'm getting more upset.

#1 According to a new Army manual, U.S. soldiers will now be instructed to avoid “any criticism of pedophilia” and to avoid criticizing “anything related to Islam”. The following is from a recent Judicial Watch article
#2 The Obama administration has banned all U.S. government agencies from producing any training materials that link Islam with terrorism. In fact, the FBI has gone back and purged references to Islam and terrorism from hundreds of old documents.
#3 Authorities are cracking down on public expressions of the Christian faith all over the nation, and yet atheists in New York City are allowed to put up an extremely offensive billboard in Time Square this holiday season that shows a picture of Jesus on the cross underneath a picture of Santa with the following tagline: “Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!
#4 According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against criminals because it has a “disproportionate” impact on minorities.
#5 Down in California, Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill that will allow large numbers of illegal immigrants to legally get California driver’s licenses.
#6 Should an illegal immigrant be able to get a law license and practice law in the United States? That is exactly what the State Bar of California argued earlier this year…
#7 More than 75 percent of the babies born in Detroit are born to unmarried women, yet it is considered to be “politically correct” to suggest that there is anything wrong with that.
#8 The University of Minnesota – Duluth (UMD) initiated an aggressive advertising campaign earlier this year that included online videos, billboards, and lectures that sought to raise awareness about “white privilege“.
#9 At one high school down in California, five students were sent home from school for wearing shirts that displayed the American flag on the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.
#10 Chris Matthews of MSNBC recently suggested that it is “racist” for conservatives to use the word “Chicago”.

This will be the first thread ever in FCBO to be locked.
Before then, let's get back on topic on Hillary

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I would like to think there are still some Americans that would rise up against something like that. I would, and we are armed. Well, the wife is, the feds won't let me have a firearm.

I don't think people realize how close we are something like this actualy happening, I keep saying that something big is going to happen within the next 10 years if we keep going in this direction.

Everytime the local police setup a "Sobriety Checkpoint" I say the Gestapo has setup a "Document Checkpoint"
Even the cops themself brag about this being more about that than catching a drunk driver.

@70NPORT, same here in Australia. The average Aussie is fundamentally left-leaning politically (though believe they are center) and we are experiencing socialism by stealth. At least you guys can still buy a pack of cigarettes without a hassle. Over here, not only is tobacco prohibitively taxed, all packaging is plain drab (communist) green and covered with gory pictures and on top of that, hidden behind closed shelves from public view. I'm no smoker but am horrified by such state intervention in citizens lives. This is but one "world leading" policy example trumpeted by our nanny state governemnt and the hoards of barrow-pushing social engineers that are driving these reforms. There's already talk of fast food and soda taxes and plain packaging of liquor. We have out of control crime and anti-social behaviour, yet our police focus on harrassing drivers for all manner of petty traffic offences and waste police resources on jay walking blitzes. Yet the average brainwashed "Aussie" still believes Australia is the best country on earth. I have to go on holidays away from this place every year to maintain my sanity.
At least you guys had the sense to dump your PM, and reverse many insane laws (including the "carbon tax") that have crippled economic progress in AU. We still have two years and two months left of Hell...assuming our woefully under-informed and under-educated masses wake up. If not, then the movie "Idiocracy" will mirror real-life in the US.
I guess I am too young for that picture to mean something to me. Germany I am guessing?

Don't take this personal, it's not aimed at you, but it bothers me deeply, very, very deeply, that there are younger folks that this picture doesn't mean something to them.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"