Old Man with a Hat
I guess I am too young for that picture to mean something to me. Germany I am guessing?
Don't take this personal, it's not aimed at you, but it bothers me deeply, very, very deeply, that there are younger folks that this picture doesn't mean something to them.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
That's what sent me off into the rampage. It is unfathomable that people under 35 -40 or so do not know the horror of The Holcaust. And it's because of the Liberal Socialist mindset that has thoroughly permeated our education system. Yet another proof how everybody is stupid now. Unfuckingbelievable that any adult alive can look at that picture and say "what's that". A hundred years from now, the Holocaust should still be burned into the minds of everyone with an IQ higher than a tree stump.
Don't drink the Kool.Aid all you uneducated, mindless sheep.
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