The adults of my family decided a bunch of years ago to only buy gifts for the children and their immediate spouses. This works well, I have 4 grand kids to shop for and a visit to Kids-R-Us usually does the job. My wife is a different story, I ask her what she wants and she says nothing. Of course I'm no better. The problem is we are both "sale" shoppers and anything we have on our personal want list gets bought. This leads to some silly situations, back around 2011 my wife got into sandblasting Fury parts, so I bought her a big sand blasting cabinet. Unfortunately our little air compressor couldn't keep up, so Christmas 2012 i bought her a huge air compressor and she bought me a furnace for my garage. Then shortly after, March 2013 she decided we needed a new house. I didn't fight too much, I would loose my woodworking shop, but I'd gain a triple car heated garage. As it turned out, I discovered Paul and all the Fury bits and pieces went to Idaho for restoration. My garage is now 1/3 Fury, 1/3 woodworking and 1/3 Jeep. I gifted myself 220 wiring for the garage and for the first time in 2014 the compressor was running. Unfortunately, the sand blaster doesn't work worth a damn, won't feed the sand. Not a big deal since the Fury is all done and I'm probably too lazy to sand blast the extra Fury parts I have stashed all over the place. The compressor earns it's keep blowing out the yard irrigation system. Silly as that sounds, at current rates, the compressor pays for itself after only three years.
Anyhow, look after the children. Don't but stupid crap, buy stuff that will stretch their minds, get them thinking. They are our future so give them every advantage possible. Spouses, on the other hand, will never tell you what they really want so get them something off the wall that you can both laugh about until you cry. Of course it doesn't hurt to buy diamonds every once and awhile. Diamonds are like marital duct tape. LOL
I'm not an expert, there is no such thing when it comes to women, but I am a survivor. This July I'll have reached 50 years of marital bliss and should have 5 grand children to spoil. Life is grand. By the way I have decided to drive the Fury until the wheels fall off, so if you come across a dead Fury on the side of the road, please stop! LOL
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!!!