XMAS- what you want/ask for vs what you get...

I do this as well....make it very simple for them to find what I want/need. I always get that perplexed look when I open a present and it's just one small tool or item...and I'm friggin ecstatic! :toothy9:

One year I got half a set of edm hole solid lifters, looked at my wife like wtf I knew I set it up as 16. Turns out she split them with some friends of ours so I got the remainder later, she had fun laughing at me looking through the box for the other 8.
I'm glad to have the family over for Christmas, Eve or Day it doesn't matter.

I love to watch my grandkids faces as they open presents. They're young enough (3, 1 and 1/2) to enjoy everything still.

If we all get together there's 13 of us. So at Thanksgiving we adults place our names on a slip of paper into a bowl and draw names. Makes finding a present for one person much less stressful than trying to do the other 12!

BTW...Merry Christmas to all here however it finds you this year.:Santa3:

One year I got half a set of edm hole solid lifters, looked at my wife like wtf I knew I set it up as 16. Turns out she split them with some friends of ours so I got the remainder later, she had fun laughing at me looking through the box for the other 8.

Now that's funny. My wife got something for me already this year which is unusual because she doesn't like shopping for guys period.
This is what I bought myself... I cant wait to get the garage cleared out and play around with it.


Sorry I am apparently too stupid to rotate this picture.
