For Sale Youch!!!

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Your not the only one Stan.....

No it wasnt Gary, you're just trying to be correct now that your politically connected
You're all amateurs.
The ones for sale on ebay are the same ones mounted on the DeSoto. The poor lighting in the ad photo plus nothing to reference its size to is throwing you off. It's stuff like that that separates the wannabes from the pros.
The more upscale the model, the fancier the emblem got.
Now give me something hard....
< Sent from my tablet >

you are wrong.
The emblem on the 57 Desoto Adventurer (shown in your picture) is different to emblem which is for sale on ebay.
Check the golden part on the inner wing. It is flat on the 57 Adventurer as shown on the quarterpanel. The emblem which is for sale on ebay has a sharp bend in the golden part. Totally different to the Adventurer emblem
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I'm looking real hard again at the two emblems blown up.
I still think the ones for sale are the ones we see mounted on the DeSoto,
I'm attributing the visual difference to lighting.

Regardless, at a thousand bucks, I would want more pictures. LOTS of more pictures.
Are we agreeing '57 DeSoto Anytype?

this emblem is definetly different as the golden part is flat vs the bend version on ebay.
despite from that: all 57 Adventurers seem to have an emblem with the checkered flag. Which means it is different to those from ebay. too
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