Your opinions on who make good replacement carpets for our C bodys?

If thats true he did an excellent job. The market needed carpet and they had it all.
In the 80's and 90's ACC was the "go to place" for auto carpets..... Excellent quality and fit as well as competitive prices. I never even concidered buying from another company.... And I used a lot of carpets.
After the accident the company almost went belly up...... Even closed down for awile. I don't know who is running ACC now but, The quality has dropped a little and the fit is not even close on the last few I used.
The major suppliers, (Year One, etc), are dealers for Acc now. I'd do some checking around before going there.

Why I originally asked my question was because of something that happened a while ago:

I got into a tussle with a carpet seller over on Moparts because he was claiming his carpets were superior to anything available on the market.
I called him out and after several posts he admitted he got his carpets from ACC.
I called him out again on how his can be superior then.
He said ACC made carpets to a higher spec just for him...
I called Bull Puckey and asked him again, how so?
He disappeared.
There is a lot of different words that were catch phrases when we were growing up that are used today but mean different things....

You are my age by the it or not
There is a lot of different words that were catch phrases when we were growing up that are used today but mean different things....

You are my age by the it or not

If we're the same age then why are you so uptight? Like it or not, times have changed.
I'm as loose as a goose. Times have changed and for the worse, like it or not.

I dont like baseball caps worn sideways. I dont like pants with the crotch at a persons knees so that I can see his underwear. I like to feel my hear and feel my music, with my heart and soul, not through the glass and metal of a Honda hatchback.

I could go on and on but you upset easy
Not everything has gotten worse. Many, many things keep getting better every day.
Disease cures/prevention
Automobile Safety

I could go on too.
There are arguments against every one.

Sure, Disease cures/prevention have improved but look at the planets over population, is it a good thing?
Sure, Electronics seems to have gotten better. Now the government now knows everything about you, is that better?
Automobile Safety, is better for insurance companies, not gas mileage, or comfort and style ..... fail
Internet has only been here for twenty years so its just approaching the 2nd generation, but better? Tell that to the dying swap meets and the stores that are going out of business because of on line shopping, and the post office. I like a letter. above, could be a fail again
I choose to evolve. You can choose for yourself.

I love 2013. It's gonna be the best year of my life so far. Hopefully 2014 will be even better.
I like a nice trimmed carpet myself .. not too plush, not cut too low, and absolutely not close cut
I choose to evolve. You can choose for yourself.

I love 2013. It's gonna be the best year of my life so far. Hopefully 2014 will be even better.

That's fine but wouldn't it be better to do it without having to give anything up? The merging of electronics and the internet will no doubt mean that easily in 10 years most people won't know what the word "privacy" once meant. It will also mean that someone, somewhere is going to know exactly where you are every minute of the day and soon after that what you did every prior minute of your life. Isn't life grand? I much prefer my privacy which I alone control access to.