N8-96XJ's '65 Fury III build

At any parking lot down here you see a lot of Smarts, GEMS, and golf carts.

And they still park crooked....
I imagine three useless balls in that pic.
But still a whole lotta shaking going on.
Just pushing buttons and I would refer to nothing else but devious golf balls of course.:angel7:
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Got some tires!

Wound up not going the low-profile tire route. But, i still have my wide fender filling rear tire and the slight rake i was looking for. I really like it! Kind of has a nostalgic 60s n 70s dragstrip look to it. Should ride nice and smooth as well...
What do you all think?





I would consider taking the windshield and rear window out prior to painting. 99 % chance there's rust underneath which will find its way into the visible areas sooner or later.
Looks really good.
Thank ya very much!
ATTABOY!! And, yes. The wheels and stance are perfect for that car.:yourock:
Thank ya Stan. Gotta admit i was secretly hoping you'd like 'em as much as i do!

I would consider taking the windshield and rear window out prior to painting. 99 % chance there's rust underneath which will find its way into the visible areas sooner or later.
That's a great suggestion and thank you! I need to find a front windshield anyhow, it's got a long crack in it. I'll admit that when i pulled the chrome trim i expected to find a mess. It was'nt too bad. But you're right, better to take care of things now.

Ditto. You nailed it.
Thank you thank you!
Still kickin!

Still workin on her... She's finally red! Hope y'all been doing well. My CPU died, tryin this from my phone. Just wanted to update and let everyone I'm still pluggin away at it!1117131037.jpg
