Thanks Dad!


Old Man with a Hat
Jan 19, 2013
Reaction score
Avonmore Pa.

My dad passed away yesterday afternoon getting a medical procedure done on his heart. In hindsight I guess I should have been more concerned. He has been through a few of these angioplasties, so it seemed okay. Well apparently it was worse yet than we knew, he did that a lot.
Started a while back with cataract surgery, he of course put off. We just thought he was scared or stubborn. Doctor finally was threatening to pull his license.
This brings concerns about his cardiovascular health, a stress test and thus the procedure.
Hard to tell if he was really worried he never showed it and always played his hand close, just the way he was.
We did not share many common interests, except for observing, commenting, and complaining about the world around.
He was first to get a college education, his older brother (my uncle) had went to work in a steel mill then drafted then came back and got his degree.
He did a few semesters at law school but never finished, he probably would of made a good one being able to look at things for what they were and not how he felt.
The one thing he liked best was economics and accounting, always with a eye on the market, giving me some understanding of it.
He had his first angioplasty in 1990, a quadruple bypass in 2004, and survived a stroke in 2012. So I guess you could say his luck just ran out. He survived my mother by 19 years and his significant other for the last 10 or so years has gotten his cholesterol and bp down with diet and exercise so I thank her for that and she is a part of our family because of it. Sorry for the rambling it helped and thanks in advance to regulars and letting me be one.
Sir, I'm truly sorry for your loss.

It's a difficult thing in life to lose our parents or our children

My condolences to you and your family.


My dad passed away yesterday afternoon getting a medical procedure done on his heart. In hindsight I guess I should have been more concerned. He has been through a few of these angioplasties, so it seemed okay. Well apparently it was worse yet than we knew, he did that a lot.
Started a while back with cataract surgery, he of course put off. We just thought he was scared or stubborn. Doctor finally was threatening to pull his license.
This brings concerns about his cardiovascular health, a stress test and thus the procedure.
Hard to tell if he was really worried he never showed it and always played his hand close, just the way he was.
We did not share many common interests, except for observing, commenting, and complaining about the world around.
He was first to get a college education, his older brother (my uncle) had went to work in a steel mill then drafted then came back and got his degree.
He did a few semesters at law school but never finished, he probably would of made a good one being able to look at things for what they were and not how he felt.
The one thing he liked best was economics and accounting, always with a eye on the market, giving me some understanding of it.
He had his first angioplasty in 1990, a quadruple bypass in 2004, and survived a stroke in 2012. So I guess you could say his luck just ran out. He survived my mother by 19 years and his significant other for the last 10 or so years has gotten his cholesterol and bp down with diet and exercise so I thank her for that and she is a part of our family because of it. Sorry for the rambling it helped and thanks in advance to regulars and letting me be one.

Dave: I am very sorry to hear this crushing news concerning your dad's passing. Please accept our most sincere sympathies, and please let us know of anything you need during this difficult time.
I'm Very sorry to hear of your loss Dave, thoughts and prayers from the Motor City.
Sorry for your loss, he sounds like a great man. I went through very similar with my Dad.
Dave, so sorry to hear your Dad passing.

Not to take away from your grieving but I hope my heart problems get fixed quickly. This is alarming because i'm keying this the waiting room in the dang hosptial wound care center.
Dave, so sorry to hear your Dad passing.

Not to take away from your grieving but I hope my heart problems get fixed quickly. This is alarming because i'm keying this the waiting room in the dang hosptial wound care center.
Wtf, what now Bob?

My dad passed away yesterday afternoon getting a medical procedure done on his heart. In hindsight I guess I should have been more concerned. He has been through a few of these angioplasties, so it seemed okay. Well apparently it was worse yet than we knew, he did that a lot.
Started a while back with cataract surgery, he of course put off. We just thought he was scared or stubborn. Doctor finally was threatening to pull his license.
This brings concerns about his cardiovascular health, a stress test and thus the procedure.
Hard to tell if he was really worried he never showed it and always played his hand close, just the way he was.
We did not share many common interests, except for observing, commenting, and complaining about the world around.
He was first to get a college education, his older brother (my uncle) had went to work in a steel mill then drafted then came back and got his degree.
He did a few semesters at law school but never finished, he probably would of made a good one being able to look at things for what they were and not how he felt.
The one thing he liked best was economics and accounting, always with a eye on the market, giving me some understanding of it.
He had his first angioplasty in 1990, a quadruple bypass in 2004, and survived a stroke in 2012. So I guess you could say his luck just ran out. He survived my mother by 19 years and his significant other for the last 10 or so years has gotten his cholesterol and bp down with diet and exercise so I thank her for that and she is a part of our family because of it. Sorry for the rambling it helped and thanks in advance to regulars and letting me be one.
I'm very sorry for your loss, man.
My father had congestive heart failure back in 2004 followed by a double bypass and valve replacement in 2006. Didn't change anything in his behavior, in fact, it worsened over the last ten years. He'll be 70 in November. His father died at 73 of Pneumonia as he was convinced it was cancer and refused to go to the doctor. Like father like son, I guess though it's a trait I hope to discontinue in my lifetime.
Take care of your heart both in the literal and figurative senses.
Dave, so sorry to hear your Dad passing.

Not to take away from your grieving but I hope my heart problems get fixed quickly. This is alarming because i'm keying this the waiting room in the dang hosptial wound care center.
Take care Bob.
I am going to get checked soon, my dad and I were talking about it Wednesday.
So sorry for your loss Dave. It is such a sudden shock when they are here one minute and gone the next. I am thankful my Father went without warning rather then lingering on but it makes saying goodbye impossible.
these words never seem like they're enough ... but still offerred with heartfelt condolences and best wishes to you and your family in the days ahead.
All I can say is that if your Dad's are still on this side of the earth that you cherish the time you have left with him.