73 Imperial "McGoldy" to join the Minnesota herd.

If Doc is like my doctors - medical, chiropractic, dentist - he probably only works 3 days a week. Sounds like what he really has is an Imp for each day off! :)
Nice, we all know the reality is no 5, despite sometimes having to do no 6 in order to achieve it. Like most health professionals your charges are necessary to cover practice expenses and buy imperials - I mean earn an appropriate living for the skills you have. People don't understand that and just think health professionals are greedy - it'd be a great living if it all went to you.

Keep up the good work, must be (mostly) satisfying.
I mean earn an appropriate living for the skills you have. People don't understand that and just think health professionals are greedy

I think many people in our society today have this notion if you earn a good living, it's somehow not fair to everyone else.
To that, I say, whiners and crybabies, please go pout in you little hole, and go away.
As I get older, I rely (and listen) more to what medical pro's speak of, when related to my personal health/well being.
It never crosses my mind as to how much they earn. I could care less.
My dentist has a unique personality, likes to joke around a bit. One day during a visit he has told me he likes what he does for a living...."Until that patient with halitosis walks in"
I'm sure our Doc has similar attributes just by reading through his threads. Keep buying those Imperials.
As I get older, I rely (and listen) more to what medical pro's speak of, when related to my personal health/well being.

Welp, if you ever get diagnosis with cancer I hope you go for a second or even a third opinion.

CBS Whistleblower
The Deadly Cancer Doctor & the Ugly Side of the Beauty Business |S1 E2| 43:15
What could be worse than being diagnosed and treated for cancer? Later finding out that your doctor lied and you never had it to begin with. An office manager at a cancer center blows the whistle on the oncologist running the practice when he discovers the doctor giving chemotherapy to more than 500 patients who do not need it. The scope of what the whistleblower discovered was staggering.

Watch Whistleblower Season 1 Episode 2: The Deadly Cancer Doctor & the Ugly Side of the Beauty Business - Full show on CBS All Access

Shall we go the road to episode one about Kool Smiles General Dentistry? (think they were up in Doc's area)
I never begrudge anyone the money they make (except maybe the CEOs of huge corporations that make obscene millions while exploiting people - especially children - of the third world). I used to own a business and know what is involved. Just because you are self-employed doesn't automatically mean you're making a lot of money. It usually means you're putting in a lot of hours. Self-employed people deserve what they earn, is the way I view it.
With all that expanse of 'bling' you got there, you'll have to watch out for the gold diggers trying to take their share, haha!

You guys know better where the money is...look at the Mopars at Carlisle...those B and E body guys spend alot of dough. My Imperials are dirt cheap in comparison.
Yes LeBarin 1973, try to make it Sept 28-30 for Jefferson swap and 2 day car show! Here in Wi. about 3 hours south of Green Bay on HWY 26. Ill be there all three days, My 53 Skylark is one of the feature cars in the building! Buick and Olds are feature cars this year. Hope we can visit again!!
Yes LeBarin 1973, try to make it Sept 28-30 for Jefferson swap and 2 day car show! Here in Wi. about 3 hours south of Green Bay on HWY 26. Ill be there all three days, My 53 Skylark is one of the feature cars in the building! Buick and Olds are feature cars this year. Hope we can visit again!!
Hi Glenn, nice to hear from you, I just booked my trip yesterday, Nov 3-8 in Calgary with Graham and the Alberta mopar mob, 8-15 in Appleton with Perry who you met last year, 15-22 in Rosemont Illinois for MCACN then 3 days looking around Chicago which I've never seen despite being at MCACN 3 times before, 22-24 in Honolulu then returning to NZ.

I'm hoping to catch up with our crazy Minnesota dentist and his fleet, and it should be possible to see you and Peter and his new purchase (Buick) somewhere during the visit, maybe a 3 car convoy to meet crazy doc? Lol, will be great to be back in the states and 3 years since I was in Canada, first time in Calgary and Alberta.
Hi Glenn, nice to hear from you, I just booked my trip yesterday, Nov 3-8 in Calgary with Graham and the Alberta mopar mob, 8-15 in Appleton with Perry who you met last year, 15-22 in Rosemont Illinois for MCACN then 3 days looking around Chicago which I've never seen despite being at MCACN 3 times before, 22-24 in Honolulu then returning to NZ.

I'm hoping to catch up with our crazy Minnesota dentist and his fleet, and it should be possible to see you and Peter and his new purchase (Buick) somewhere during the visit, maybe a 3 car convoy to meet crazy doc? Lol, will be great to be back in the states and 3 years since I was in Canada, first time in Calgary and Alberta.
I dunno... you guys would probably blow my cover in front of my wifey...she thinks there's only three Imperials you know...I could just hear you guys, "Well, Doc let's get a picture with all five Imperials at once." Then I'm sleeping on the couch.:rofl:
@glennb49 Do you know if this swap meet will be is a good source for C Body parts?
I'm planning on going this year. Weather permitting, I might drive one of my cars up there. I'll look for your Buick.