Recent content by Cartel

  1. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    I remember tring to put the oil scraper on first a time or 2. for some reason it didnt click into my head that the scrapers ride the shoulder made for them on the expander. for some reason I thought the expander just "resides" there. Its actually locked in with the upper and lower scraper. I am...
  2. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    I'm not feeling any burs or sharp edges on the rings. I'm stumped. I guess I'm order a single set of rings and swap out the oil rings
  3. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    its oil. I wiped the piston with a rag after I pulled it out, thats why it looks a bit rough the engine has been in a bag out in the garage for months. also these pistons are made in india and smelled like a horses a$$. Looks like black mold forming on the pins. I will obviously clean the piston...
  4. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    Just looking again, I am not sure if the expander was the issue or not. It almost looks defective or something. maybe it was that second compression ring?
  5. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    also I'm seeing conflicting information on the direction of the ends. some say face them up, some say face them down. mine appear to be facing up. I think thats what hastings said on the papers. I cant find anything online for hastings but this useless garbage...
  6. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    I think I see the issue. the ends seem to be messed up on the oil expander
  7. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    is the oil ring messing up?
  8. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    Why would it do this? :wideyed::confused:
  9. Cartel

    Jack the engine on the balancer

    or lift it with a hoist or Engine Support Bar
  10. Cartel

    I pulled the 383 out of my 66 windsor

    I got my heads back. I gave him my intake and a fiber gasket and asked him to port match them and spend some time with them...I have questions. He did the k-line inserts. Anyone care to give a prognosis? And why is there a big gap on the new seats? He said he would do the heads for $1500 all in...
  11. Cartel

    Is my new build doomed because I bought a flat tappet?

    I got the new lifters and most had the exact same type scars. I managed to get the best of 2 sets but I am stressing out about this. This guy had the same brand cam probably same lifters I do.
  12. Cartel

    (Another) 383 2 bbl to 4 bbl conversion thread, anyone got a parts list?

    could a guy make sure theres enough intake bolt threads and shim washers under the bracket? I guess for sure you would see issues if you had spacers like 2" and above.
  13. Cartel

    I pulled the 383 out of my 66 windsor

    sorry I read the wrong measurement its 9.972 so they took off .014
  14. Cartel

    I pulled the 383 out of my 66 windsor

    1.920 comp h deck is 9.972 was 9.986 says 0 deck would be 9.965