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  1. traintech55

    Looking at 1972 Imperial, needs engine

    Yes Pictures please.
  2. traintech55

    We have lost Rip

    I just got the news this morning. I spoke to his wife and she told me how sick he was. I also told her I would help her with information on the car he purchased from me. More information will be coming. Bill
  3. traintech55

    We've lost Locumob - Scott.

    WHAT!!!!. Rip passed away? This is the first I heard of this. Does anyone have details?
  4. traintech55

    My new `67 Imperial Crown Coupe!

    The never ending battle. At least you have all winter to get things done.
  5. traintech55

    We've lost Locumob - Scott.

    I went through the swing shift mess at the railroad. One of the many things that ended up making me ill and have to leave. Same mess took out another good friend I worked with. You have to keep to a schedule or it will take you.
  6. traintech55

    We've lost Locumob - Scott.

    R.I.P. Scott. You will me missed.
  7. traintech55

    Electric Car Fire at my Neighbors

    Now you know why I always have a detached garage.
  8. traintech55

    1977 Gran Fury wiper woes

    I remembered I have the prints you need. The bottom schematic is for the three speed wipers, the top is for the two speed. The print starts on page 27 and ends on page 28. Good Luck. Bill
  9. traintech55

    1977 Gran Fury wiper woes

    You need to lay your hands on the electrical schematic for the wipers. If I remember correctly, the three speed system always has a hot feed to the motor, and all other functions are controlled by different grounds.
  10. traintech55

    Newport Stripper

    The 1969 Newport I owned back in the day was the last car I had with front drum brakes. And yes they were extremely touchy.
  11. traintech55

    Electric Car Fire at my Neighbors

    I feel for them, that happened to me many years ago. Went out on a Saturday night, came home and the house was totally gone, I thank the police officer who dragged my parents out. Glad they are OK.
  12. traintech55

    Anyone making repo 70 300 battery cables?

    Yes, I have used Evans cables also. Great to work with.
  13. traintech55

    For Sale Turn signal lever, tilt, No Cruise

    Anybody got one out there? Let me know
  14. traintech55

    For Sale 1977 Chrysler Newport

    By chance did you get a chance to check on the harness adapter yet?
  15. traintech55

    For Sale 1977 Chrysler Newport

    By chance do you have the wiring adapter harness the goes from the steering column to the dash harness? found out the 1976 column I am putting in my 1977 is different.
  16. traintech55

    WANTED Wanted 1977 new yorker grille and 1977 1978 trim pieces.

    Is your New Yorker a 2dr, or 4dr? I will get you a picture of the grill later today. Where in Wisconsin are you located? Bill
  17. traintech55

    WANTED Wanted 1977 new yorker grille and 1977 1978 trim pieces.

    I have a 1976 with a good grille. let me know what body you have and what you need. Bill