Electric Car Fire at my Neighbors


Illegitimi non carborundum
FCBO Gold Member
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Marcellus, NY
We got woke up early this morning with someone yelling... The neighbor was pounding on the door to call 911.

Their electric car caught fire and the flames were shooting out of their garage. They got out OK, but the older of the two (it's a gay couple) is pretty sickly and was standing there buck naked, shivering with just a blanket on him.

Fortunately it was pouring rain, so that probably helped a lot.

The cops told us to get in the car and drive over to the neighbors in case it got so bad that our house went up. We grabbed the dog and drove over next door.


The flames mostly out, I was walking back to the car after chatting with one of the cops.


We're back in our house now. They cut the electric to their house which also cut ours. That just came back on. No cable, so no internet but I can "hot spot" with my phone.

They took them away in an ambulance. Hopefully they are OK... They are great neighbors...
Two things to take away from it; no electric cars and don't go to bed naked (seriously, wtf?).
I feel for them, that happened to me many years ago. Went out on a Saturday night, came home and the house was totally gone, I thank the police officer who dragged my parents out. Glad they are OK.
That is terrible.

The issue is larger than electric vehicles.
A neighbor’s house near us burned - cause was from a lithium battery for a blower, weedeater, chainsaw or something electric.

They are finally getting the siding put back up.

This fire ruined the metal roof on the second floor above the garage too.

I believe that I am going to move all of my cordless tool batteries to the tool shed. I should have run electrical to it when we did the remodel to the house.
I just walked over there and the house doesn't look like it's repairable. There was a garage but that's completely gone. Electric Ford Escape


Say some prayers. That is awful close to your house.
Good thing the Lord protected you and yours.
Your neighbors need some prayer now.
The firemen knocked on the door, they found a cat in a crate unharmed. It was in the basement. We couldn't take him because our dog wouldn't do well with it...
Wow, that's my worst nightmare, glad everyone is ok. I have worried about the rechargeables in the garage, but I've had them for years and they don't even get warm.
Never leave your electric batteries on the charger. Charge and remove.
Sitting overnight charging is how those little batteries become bombs.
With running jobsites, batteries and plugged in cords are a serious pet peeve of mine.
Every sub has batteries and they all like to leave them plugged in at night. Just waiting for a construction fire.

Of course it appears that having an electric car with a massive lithium battery seems to be the best way to catch your house on fire. And we have been told that they should be charged at night while we sleep to get the maximum amount of energy at the lowest cost.
I just walked over there and the house doesn't look like it's repairable. There was a garage but that's completely gone. Electric Ford Escape


So glad that it did not spread. Such a huge setback for your neighbours, hope they get through it ok.
Never leave your electric batteries on the charger. Charge and remove.
Sitting overnight charging is how those little batteries become bombs.
With running jobsites, batteries and plugged in cords are a serious pet peeve of mine.
Every sub has batteries and they all like to leave them plugged in at night. Just waiting for a construction fire.

Of course it appears that having an electric car with a massive lithium battery seems to be the best way to catch your house on fire. And we have been told that they should be charged at night while we sleep to get the maximum amount of energy at the lowest cost.

the chargers are supposed to automatically stop charge current when the battery reaches a full charge, if they keep charging past the limit, something is not right....
Agree. How many times is a battery charger dropped and thrown around on a job site.
It's a very neglected necessity that has been known to burn.

the chargers are supposed to automatically stop charge current when the battery reaches a full charge, if they keep charging past the limit, something is not right....
Nightmare before Christmas for them. I feel badly and hope their recovery is swift.
Not to make light of it, but yea... Seeing an 80ish year old naked gay guy in the backyard may haunt me....

Person suffers smoke inhalation in Marcellus garage fire; electric car may be cause of blaze

Very bad news for this couple, and horrible timing in the middle of winter and right before Christmas. Hopefully they have somewhere to stay?

Also, hopefully the exact cause is determined, if possible. Perhaps it could have been their house wiring/breaker not being sufficient to support car charging?

Interesting street name just to the east considering these occupants that lived there....
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Very bad news for this couple, and horrible timing in the middle of winter and right before Christmas. Hopefully they have somewhere to stay?

Also, hopefully the exact cause is determined, if possible. Perhaps it could have been their house wiring/breaker not being sufficient to support car charging?

Interesting street name just to the east considering these occupants that lived there....
Yea, they are really great neighbors. The older of the two has a brother that visits often that I think is in the area. The younger one has no family around here that I know of. He has some adult daughters (slight life change) but I think they are someplace down south.

They've been neighbors for at least 15 years now and from what I've seen, they would have any charger installation done professionally and correctly. I'm sure the breaker box is in the basement, like mine is (same builder). That said, I don't know what their charger was. I understand some are just plug in to any 110 outlet, but I know those are extremely slow.

About that street name.... It was the name of the famer that had a huge farm here. I actually live on that street corner and have had to spell it out for anyone that needs my address since I moved here over 40 years ago. It is a little ironic though.