For Sale 1969 Chrysler Newport Sportsgrain Convertible

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That is the Smithville near AC and yes I do know the owner. Been awhile but I think he purchased it out of Maryland (a doctor) if memory serves me correct.
The tan top looks much better than a black or white top would, even though the tan is incorrect. And Daffodil Yellow --- Yummmmy! I'd roll in this one!
That contrast in Color to the woodgrain is too strong for my taste. Only complementing Colors to think of for me would be maroon or burgundy met.
Nice machine. Are those tubular diagonal braces in the engine bay a factory part? Maybe for convertibles only? They look like the stays for bracing a television antenna on the roof ...
Overall a very nice convertible but the seller has me scratching my head. If your asking top $ then the odd ball wheel covers are a major fail. It makes you wonder what other compromises are lurking.
I just noticed another vert with the tubular braces, I guess that answers my factory part question :)
Should have gone to spec savers...
yellow, no a/c, column shift, 383 newport. that's the bones of it. first glance looks cool, but two minutes thinking about it and asking price adds like this: 7000 for the car, 11500 for the goofy wood stickers. pass.
Hard tops have them as well.
Ummm... this is my 67 Newport 2 dr. hardtop.

Voltage regulator.
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