For Sale 1970 Chrysler Three Hundred - Barn Find - $9500 (Wichita)

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Car has been sold! Sellers brother sold it Friday unbeknownst to him. Went for $8,000.
So true.

My favorite story is about a 65 SF about 15 min south that a buddy told me about, maybe 10 years ago, for $500.
Buddy and I head there with his rollback and the $500.
Wife is there but he isn't (my error to not check on that), she calls him at work and he tells me a guy is coming with a trailer from 2 hours north, and that the prospect said he might be willing to pay a little more.
I told the seller he had a guy standing at his house with full price, did he really want to wish on some other guy? But he did, with the promise to call me if that deal fell thru. (my response for that was already prepared)
He called me later, said the other guy canceled, and offered it to me for $500 - I told him he should've taken that offer when he had it, and that I was no longer interested.

I like that guy (seller).
He had an arrangement with someone and stayed with the agreement (to wait for him). Honest guy. Keeping his word.

What I do not understand:
You wanted it for 500$ but couldn't get it because the seller sticked to the guy who was supposed to come. AFter that fell through: You didn't want it anymore? Why not? Sounds to me it was not about the car but "feelings"

We don't know the seller had an actual arrangement with someone else, that's just what he told me.

He may have seen my full price as eagerness, and wanted to see if he could squeeze more out of me.
Or he may have been suckered by some knucklehead that gave him some false pretenses of more $$.
He may have been slick, or he may have been naiive regarding the other prospect.

Regardless, what it all boiled down to - he had a car for sale for $500 and wouldn't sell it when $500 knocked on his door. I didn't need the car, I was being impulsive (and compulsive!) because it was cheap and nearby - so I walked away.
Saw this very car today at the MoKan all Mopar show, drags, etc. WOW!!!, I should have made a beeline for Wichita, sure wish I had anyway. Absolutely beautiful, currrent owner just gave it some wax and elbow grease and a new radiator. The good news is that it's in good hands that plan on keeping it for a long time.








Someone smart got a great car. On cars like that, you don't snooze - you go and check them out quick. You never know.

The guy that got it was also smart enough to take off the bump strip going down the side of the car - great move.

Now all it needs is a set of dual white pin stripes going down the sides, like it originally should have had. That would be genius!
Look at the size of that Dutchman panel. That shows you where the Chrysler got it's extended length.
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