The new owner of my Polara. And his Fury.
No. I don't get why you did all the differential work, etc. on this car only to immediately sell it off. The sale surprised me. . .
The new owner of my Polara. And his Fury.
It’s been said that I can be highly erratic! I’m not in the best of health and wasn’t a good caretaker to it anymore. Everything has a beginning and end.No. I don't get why you did all the differential work, etc. on this car only to immediately sell it off. The sale surprised me. . .
Congrats on the car! Will you be taking it (or the '69 Fury 'vert) to Carlisle?New proud owner of Marty's Polara here. (...) I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of it this summer then concentrate on restoring the interior.
That’s right! Makes them mad when they get smoked with a lowly small block taxi cab looking car!I am the current owner of the Polara and love her! I'm getting its interior in order and plan on having years of tire roasting fun with her.Like Marty,I fell in love with these beasts from all the cool 70s movies.The most common question I get while out cruising is that thing got a 440? I usually just smile and light her up.Fun car.
I am the current owner of the Polara and love her! I'm getting its interior in order and plan on having years of tire roasting fun with her.Like Marty,I fell in love with these beasts from all the cool 70s movies.The most common question I get while out cruising is that thing got a 440? I usually just smile and light her up.Fun car.