I was trying to figure out whether my parts estimates were right, so I p.m.’d with Brian
1974 400/727 57000 miles: he is selling it to a friend for $900 for the friend's 73 Polara wagon, but that’s a discount off of the true value in Chicago because the friend is helping him breakdown the car at the friend's house. He said the actual value in Chicago might be slightly less than $1500, so I was close there.
1974 Formal Dash assembly: he said the whole thing was worth $300-$400, so I completely missed the mark on that one. Shows what I know about Formals. Mea culpa.
1974 front clip: he said that the front clip is worth roughly $1400-$1700 in the Chicago area. He runs a Blues Mobile company and has a website associated with it, so he’s going to retain the front clip, in case he wrecks his Blues Mobile. His website is below and he’s the Blues Brother sitting on the hood in the second picture down from the top. (An interesting side note, Jerry Seinfeld once rented his Blues Mobile, had it trucked to California and then trucked back to Chicago.) Again, Brian seems like a good guy. Not knowing his history, I can't tell whether he's flipper or just someone who bought a car and then reconsidered doing the resto. How many of us have ever made that mistake?
Overall, the $3000 was there in parts, but as
@jason99 said, $800-$1000 in transport costs make this car a purchase that is as much about the heart as it is about the numbers. As to my interest in Brian’s car, it’s the first Formal Chrysler car that really appealed to me. I seriously considered buying it, but financial considerations blocked me from doing so. Sigh… sometimes that happens. So, instead, I tried to help him sell it, because at heart I'm a c-body preservationist, and I didn't want the car to be parted.
This ad photo I found is what the car would’ve looked like new. Brian says that the only difference is that his has cornering lamps. What a cool car that would’ve been! Oh well, oh hell. Maybe I'll rescue another 74 c-body sometime. Thanks for all your comments. This has been a Formal learning experience for me. Ben
Ad photo
Brian's car