For Sale 1978 New Yorker Broughm $ 2500

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I came back from my first overseas tour and seen platform shoes and weird clothes and heard that gay *** disco music and dancing and I was in disbelief....


Are you telling me that you never saw a platform shoe or heard a disco song before 1977?

I don't remember that impacting me until I got back the first time and saw a Disco Sucks pile of disco records being blown up at Wrigley Field on TV.
Disco was FUN to listen to........
It is interesting that some of the song we liked from that era are considered to be 'disco ' songs..

Now, if you will excuse me,,, Imma gonna go back to listening to Alicia Bridges sing I love the Nightlife.....[h=1][/h]
I don't remember that impacting me until I got back the first time and saw a Disco Sucks pile of disco records being blown up at Wrigley Field on TV.
I remember that. I think either the Tigers were playing there or I was watching extended coverage on the news. I was young...
That's funny Bob..... I thought of that song yesterday when you started this. I figured you had the 8 track in your challenger.

I was 8 when that came out so to me it was funny.
Ask Stan....most of Disco was ridiculous! LOL! I couldn't believe the popularity. I didn't fit in disco.... clothes, high and tight military haircut (with the same haircut then as I wear today). I assure you that I have never, ever owned platform shoes.
Ask Stan....most of Disco was ridiculous! LOL! I couldn't believe the popularity. I didn't fit in disco.... clothes, high and tight military haircut (with the same haircut then as I wear today). I assure you that I have never, ever owned platform shoes.
I'll fess up to the fact that I did indeed own a Leisure Suit but that's about all my contribution to that horrid era. I was still, after all, just a blue collar truck driver.
The last fad clothes that I can remember wearing was a Nehru jacket in the late 1960's. Blue jeans and T-shirts ever since

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