1978 NYB Preservation Project....Sort of

Run of the mill c-bodies, even the Hurst would be debateble belonging in a true 300 (read letter car) class in my opinion.

That is a bit insulting I guess to the C body 300 owners I guess suggesting they aren't really 300s.
That is not the class, letters only. It's clear and simple
As a 300 owner I can live with my Insult. Take it with a grain of salt.:D
A stripper Newport with the TNT is actually "sportier" than a 300 Hurst. The 300 concept was simply watered down over the years with no more exclusive to the line engines. That said I'd prefer a Fusie 300 over any 63-64 letter car any day, 65 a bit undecided.
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They have two classes, letter 300s 55-65 and non letter 300s 62-71 and 79. Both of these classes they are calling "C-bodies". We all know that the C-body didn't start until 65 and the 79 sure isn't a C body.

I think part of the problem is they seem to call everything from 1955 up as a C body in their classifications.
They have two classes, letter 300s 55-65 and non letter 300s 62-71 and 79. Both of these classes they are calling "C-bodies". We all know that the C-body didn't start until 65 and the 79 sure isn't a C body.

I think part of the problem is they seem to call everything from 1955 up as a C body in their classifications.

Sometimes its such a burden dealing with the ignorant and uninformed. I bet they have no problem at all with classifying the GM stuff.
That is a bit insulting I guess to the C body 300 owners I guess suggesting they aren't really 300s.
That is not the class, letters only. It's clear and simple

I feel like the 300's after 1962 are mostly just upscale Chryslers instead of the "legendary" 300's that made their reputation.
The 300 crowd seems to just tolerate them and separate them to a different category. I prefer to associate with the C body gang.
Ed is a Mopar guy...there's a reason for it I'm sure, we should ask in his introductory thread
I was hoping that Ed would reply in the Carlisle thread and we could discuss it further.

IMHO, it's an issue with identifying exactly what a C body is. We've educated ourselves on this forum because we love the cars. Let's face it, the average Mopar guy doesn't pay a lot of attention to the C body.
Are you selling???:poke:
Yes... But only one... and you would have to make a serious mortgage payment to afford it... something around the cost of a nice new house or serious funding for an early retirement... interested??? I will include a hose in the sale... The I would reregister as "mightflip"
I am extremely mad! The vinyl top isn't even close! The top is 4" short of covering the entire roof and the part that wraps around the rear window isn't even there!!!!
Does anybody else make vinyl tops besides SMS???


The vinyl top looks like it was cut for a 2 door car. I don't know if anyone else carries the correct grain but your best bet is probably to have SMS send you another one. Either that or put the trim back and stay with the painted top. You could paint the top darker if you prefer contrast. This option could conceivably limit risks of recurring rust. So sorry this happened to you. Contact them first thing on Monday and if they give you a hard time, open a dispute with your credit card company if that's how you paid for it
I was so furious that I had to rewrite my disdain in the first draft. I even asked if they needed anything else...more pictures, measurements, etc.