You should really listen to thesez guyz Rwc. It'z ah $10-$12 dollar gamble that will more then likely pay off. The requirmentz are: 1qt. of any brand of ATF. 1 qt. of acetone. 1 MT glass quart jar W/lid, and 1 horse syringe From your local hospital supply pharmacy WITHOUT THE NEEDLE. GO TO YOUR WORK BENCH AND SET EVERY THING DOWN. Pour 50% of the acetone into the quart jar and then add 50% ATF to fill it and pour the remainder of the acetone into the the ATF jug and screw the cap on tight. Now go to your Fury with the glass jar full of 50X50 mix W/THE LID INSTALLED, and the syringe . Shake well before drawing out at least ah half full load into the syringe an squirt it all into any cylinder spark plug hole and continue repeating that 'til you've done it 8 times in all 8 holez and remember to keep it shook up in the glass jar every other squirt or two 'cuz it doez and will separate and don't forget to cap off the jar when yer done or you'll lose all the acitone. (That stull evaporates pretty quick if you let it!) Then forget the car iz even sittin' there for ah few dayz, maybe even ah week. Then get back under that front end with your 1/2" drive ratchet and a 1+1/8th" socket and have ah pull on that crank pulley center nut. Don't be surprised if it movez but keep cranking by hand 'til you've dribbled the ATF out of all 8 holes. reinstall the spark plugz and turn it over with the key. You've just solved ah serious problem with the best "BREAKER-LOOSER" KNOWN TO MAN, ACCORDING TO ALL SCIENTIFIC STUDIEZ DONE WITH EVERY POSSIBLE BREAKER LOOSER KNOWN TO MAN, Jer