Gerald Morris
Senior Member
How about 2 barrel jets? I have a reman carb that seems a little wimpy. I can floor it and not a huge response. I don’t expect much with 2.76 gear but I wonder if the jets in the carb are sized for a smaller engine?
changing plug wires tomorrow. Going to closely examine my spark plugs.
You have a reman BBD? I recall the BBD as being one of 2 options for a 66 383. I run the Stromberg WWC, which is the other. Granted, with a 2.76 rear end, you won't smoke much rubber in 2nd gear, but with my kickdown set "Just So" Mathilda picks up nicely when putting at ~40 mph and I punch the throttle wide IFF the motor isn't too warm. (I get pre-ignition chatter when it is. May try a thorough cooling jacket flushing soon for some of that...)
My point is that most of the time I don't get the rubber pealing response I once enjoyed with lightweight Ford deathmobiles running mid-sized V-8s with low rear ends. But Tilly still can take off from a stop smartly enough to pull in front of most traffic.
IDK if anyone would BOTHER re-jetting these modest carburetors. I'm looking to rebuild one of the 3 WWCs I own soon, as the moonshine I pump too often has eroded the gaskets in the nicely rebuilt WWC I got on eBay for $50 a couple yrs ago. No complaints about 2 years of decent function for that kind of modest outlay.
You might try a rebuilt WWC for your ride. Finding one for a good price may take a little time. I'm going to try one more rebuilt one on my ride before I start shopping for any new carburetors. I'd rebuild myself if I didn't have two toddlers running amok here apt to EAT small shiny parts!