C Body Bob
Old Man with a Hat
Way back in the early 80’s as the rebirth of the muscle car was about to start I joined a local MOPAR car club. 20 or so members. The co-founder of the club warned me about this one fellow that was an E body fanatic & very critical of others cars. After just two meetings I saw him in action. What a rude jerk. I decide to leave & apparently so did others as the club disbanded a few months later & several attempts to restart it failed. I ended up joining a club out of South Carolina that was at Rockingham motor speedway with a few of the clubs cars. They held meetings in different states. And had a monthly new letter that was informative & fun to read. The founder of the group was a super nice guy & welcomed everyone regardless of what MOPARS they liked & wanted to show. After a couple years I left that club as they basically had the one event at Rockingham that I could make. Haven’t been in a club since. 35 plus years.I owned a C4 LT1 for a bit over a year. Fun car, but every little pecker on the street wanted to race me...in a bone-stock,300hp '95 LT1 with 159K miles. Got old. Plus, getting in and out was just painful. My midlife thing came and went quickly.
I attended one meeting of one of the three local Corvette clubs. Most pretend C4 cars don't exist. Bunch of pretentious fucks. Don't need their pompousness and overall snobbery. It was a fun car to drive, I'll give it that.
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