'67 Fury rear rubber brake hose questions?? Longer post -sorry.

John Reddie

May 9, 2017
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A while back I purchased a rear brake hose from NAPA for my '67 Fury III with drum brakes (11"). Last week I noticed that the steel line running from the splitter under the master cylinder was in definite need of replacement; most likely the original. I bought new tubing, copied the bends from the old line but when I went to install the rubber hose, I found that the end that threads into the rear splitter on the rear end is too small. The hole in the splitter needs a threaded end that is 7/16 - 20 but the new NAPA hose end is 3/16 - 24.
I went back to NAPA and found another hose for this car with the correct size end and states that it is for a "67 Plymouth Fury as well. The hose has several features that I am not familiar with. One is that the second hose is smaller in diameter the the first one (see attached photo).
Also on the other end where the tubing connects, there is no nut part that fits into the support bracket to prevent movement and the grove where the horseshoe clip fits in is wider than the original so I think that it may not keep the connection tight as it should. NAPA claims that this is correct for this car. I decided to pick up another hose from O'reilly's with correct 7/16 - 20 end and it is the same as the NAPA one.
In the past 46 years I have owned 5 "67 Fury's and all of them have had the rear splitter with the larger 7/16 - 20 end. This is the first time that I have expereinced this hose problem. Does anyone here know what Fury takes the smaller 3/16 -24 end hose. I also learned that there is no adapter available. Thanks for any info here.
hose A.jpg
You do not want to use the hose without the anchor for the support bracket, it will flex the line from movement and eventually cause the line to leak or fracture. Raybestos shows 3 different rear brake hoses for a '67 Fury, there is one for cars that have front disc brakes, and two different ones for cars with 4 wheel drum brakes. The hose you should probably need is Raybestos part number 16705-03648190. www.partsgeek.com has the listing and the hose.

Thanks to all for your answers.
Big John, you are right, I stand corrected. I confused the size of the nut with the size of the tube.

Dave, I fully agree with you about the anchor support. If I were to use either of the hoses I now have with the correct ends, I would have to fabricate a thicker horseshoe clip but then I still would not have the hose secured into the bracket with the nut shaped fitting as it should be. I cannot make out in the photos of the hoses at Rock Auto and Parts Geek to see if they are correct. I plan to call Raybestos and explain to them what I need and if their hoses are what should be with the nut fitting and the narrower groove for the correct clip. The first one I got from NAPA is correct on that end but has the smaller fitting on the other that won't go into the splitter. If all else fails, I might have to send that hose to Karps Brake Service and see if they'll copy it but with the correct 7/16 - 20 end.
I have never had this happen before and only hope that when I do the front brakes on my convertible later I don't experience this with the front hoses. Thanks guys again.