For Sale '68 300 2Dr 6.5k in Syracuse

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I'm pretty sure that's aluminum. Somebody with a '68 300 can verify this, but I remember my Dad's 68 300 having aluminum trim.

The wheelwell trim and rocker molding is anodized aluminum on my '70 300. This is why it's so hard to come by.

FWIW, '68 B body wheel well trim is aluminum and my '65 Barracuda has aluminum trim.

I concur, '67 Newps are aluminum.

All belt line trim and wheel opening trim is aluminum.
Tail panel trim is stainless steel and pot metal.
I started that trend 14 years ago.....
Sorry, beat you by at least a year. :D This pic is from May 2003, and I know the wheels were on prior to that.
GJS, Rob is not on FCBO. He used to be on the C Body Dry Dock but he currently seams to be primarily on several FB forums (and I have very little time for FB). Rob & I have been friends for 15+ years. He works a ton of hours and is active with the Trolley museum so don't feel bad that you have not heard from him. I left him a message about 2 months ago and have not heard back from him.

Live4theking, :wtf: What's up with the disagree to my post above???
I have to admit, this car is KILLING me. So entirely out of the question for me from a financial standpoint, not exactly everything I'd want in 68 300 but man o man, if I had ANY money that wasn't tied up, I'd be in Syracuse so fast.
John: Yer doin' nothing right now. I think you should buy this car. . .
You know.... I'd really like to. I learned to drive in a '68 300. The price is right... close to home etc. I just need another car like I need a hole in my head.
You know.... I'd really like to. I learned to drive in a '68 300. The price is right... close to home etc. I just need another car like I need a hole in my head.

Its not like yer gonna be another Doc McNeedy. . . Go for it.
This is killing me. I bought a damned scratch ticket on lunch over this thing.
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