'69 Fury III Convertible Build Thread- Project IVY

To be honest I've seen worse, it's a Canadian built car that has lived it's whole 45 years (in the fall) in the Canadian Rust belt, I know for a fact that for the last 10 years it had sat 3 years(outside) and had been a guys daily driver for the other 7 years.

Picked up some DOM 16 today after work, then cursed and swore after I dropped a wrench and decided I could catch it with my crotch, that hurt, luckily I won't be singing the high notes.

I admire something about this...I'm just not sure what.
great attitude, that's it! Keep it up. I ***** to myself when I have to go out in the wherehouse part of my building because I keep the stat at 50 out their.
Of course I do, the pipes would freeze without it and yes, running water too!
Heat & Running water...................a man can only dream.......................Going to freeze my stones off tomorrow and get some stuff done.


Pictures tomorrow.
By the way I appreciate the confidence, interest and reassurance you guys are showing towards me and "Angel"


I am of the opinion to name your dog, but not your car, however, if you must...

I would go with "Furious George", and have someone with really good airbrush skills to paint a mean *** looking gorrilla, baring a ****-load of teeth on the decklid, or even on the inside of the decklid.
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The story behind "Angel's" name is a short but easy one, I've always loved the TV show The Rockford Files, My truck I nicknamed "Rocky" (for obvious reasons), so that left Becker/Dennis, Jim and Angel, Out of those characters I chose the one that best fit my Fury, "Angel"

Jim Rockford: [answering machine picks up] This is Jim Rockford. At the tone leave your name and message, I'll get back to you.
Angel Martin: Jimmy, old buddy buddy! It's Angel! You know how they allow you one phone call? Well, this is it.

Angel always was in trouble or needed something, sort of like a certain Vehicle of mine, besides it leaves Jim for when I get myself a Firebird.

Today the Weather was actually fairly sunny and not too cool, not much wind, a good day to get some work done. it was actually 35F today.

Hung my clock up today (got it from one of my suppliers at work)

Nahh my car was never green don't know what your talking about, funny part is the white is the only color that the car was ever jammed in, the car was atleast 6 colors but until the white paint job everytime someone opened a panel it was green inside.

Started on the last patch on the passengers floor, turns out one patch that was on the car served no purpose at all, underneath it was nearly perfect metal.


And then this happened................still have a lot of welds to cleanup soon as I fix my grinder.

Had wet weather last few days, been working on smaller stuff, adding some personal touches.




and yes one of my dog dishes has a ding, my car is a driver, it doesn't bother me.
