'69 Fury III Convertible Build Thread- Project IVY

September 8th 1968, A Fury is Born. It is born in the Windsor Assembly Plant of Chrysler Canada.

Happy 45th Angel.


This picture reminds me of the Movie Christine. Where Darnell says to his buddy about the new windshield wiper blades and a busted windshield.

Yeah, wheres the cake?
This picture reminds me of the Movie Christine. Where Darnell says to his buddy about the new windshield wiper blades and a busted windshield.

Shut your pie hole, you can't polish a turd.

What a great movie, Darnell is such a great character. By the way, the new Stephen King book 11/22/63 is excellent.
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I broke your balls for way more than spelling, that was tip of the iceberg. I just asked for your post to be translated into English, nothing to do with spelling.
Yeah, wheres the cake?
No birthday cake?

Cake is for people.

Motors are for cars.

My Gift to my 18 foot buddy. Happy Birthday Angel, You deserve a New Heart, I'll take have you back on your feet in a jiffy, soon as I give this 318 a quick going over (it has 68,000 original miles, and all new gaskets top to bottom, was running and in the car until the spring when a 440 replaced it)

Found a nice spot to take a photo...................and a leak. (asked the guy if he wouldn't mind if I pulled in for a pee and picture)

More parts

Way to go Nick anybody else would have pull the plug and let him die, but you have brought him back from the dead and will be around for many years to come. I would bet anything Angel will be in your family for a couple more generations.
The Day I go to the big garage in the sky, I'll know that he'll be in good hands, my kids will grow up around him and hopefully appreciate what Dad did.

I hope.

1000 points to anyone who makes the Hat & Goatee connection

I'm happy, Had a good day, and a decent companion for the trip, after I got back I went to a friends Birthday party for his Car, His '64 Falcon turned 50 today, Next year it will be a 2 car birthday party, John's a Ford guy who worked for Chrysler!

Cake is for people.

Motors are for cars.

My Gift to my 18 foot buddy. Happy Birthday Angel, You deserve a New Heart,

Found a nice spot to take a photo...................and a leak. (asked the guy if he wouldn't mind if I pulled in for a pee and picture)

I went to a friends Birthday party for his Car, His '64 Falcon turned 50 today, Next year it will be a 2 car birthday party, John's a Ford guy who worked for Chrysler!
I'm not sure how I would respond if someone asked me if it would be ok to pull in for a pee and a picture.......?

And all this carrying on about birthday cakes and party's for cars is a little ...... well.... disturbing too. :huh:


For the most part I've been silently watching your progress on this car and to say you've got talent and perseverance is putting it very mildly.

Couldn't help but laugh at your feelings towards 360s, particularly when they're really just "bigger" 318s. Also your comments about it leaking oil everywhere.

I've had a look at your pictures on photobucket of the new 318 for your car. I spent 42 years working in engine plants in Windsor so I don't think I'm blowing smoke when I tell you that your love for 318s may be put to the test by your paint job, of all things on the new 318.

Before you get everything all hooked up on the engine, I very much encourage you to clean the paint off of the hose fittings on the water pump, the thermostat housing and the exhaust manifold mounting faces on the cylinder heads. You can have brand new hoses, properly tightened clamps and perfectly clean surfaces, but if you're trying to seal a painted surface, check out the website nevergonnahappen.com

The manifolds were originally mounted with no gasket so if your intention is to keep that stock as well, you'll need to remove the paint, and lightly run a mill over the joint faces of the manifolds to square them up again. Even if you're using the manifolds that came off the engine, they won't go back on and not leak. Might not be anything blatant, but there'll always be a little murmur that may drive you nuts trying to find.

Keep up the great work and I'll look forward to seeing your car in person, if not at Carlisle, then at New Hamburg.
I'm not sure how I would respond if someone asked me if it would be ok to pull in for a pee and a picture.......?

And all this carrying on about birthday cakes and party's for cars is a little ...... well.... disturbing too. :huh:

I asked if I could take a leak first, then the picture. He was working in the field.

is it more disturbing that I brought the Falcon a gift and we ate cake shaped like a Falcon?.........................

Actually it was a late wedding gift, and the party was more of a get together for car guys to BS, drink a bit and eat some barbeque.


For the most part I've been silently watching your progress on this car and to say you've got talent and perseverance is putting it very mildly.

Couldn't help but laugh at your feelings towards 360s, particularly when they're really just "bigger" 318s. Also your comments about it leaking oil everywhere.

Keep up the great work and I'll look forward to seeing your car in person, if not at Carlisle, then at New Hamburg.

Thanks Kevin, I just don't like the overplayed 360.........I'd rather have a 318. Hope to meet soon.

He's too handsome a guy to have come from my loins.
While that may be true :poke: (just breaking your balls pop)