when I think Vette I think C2, C3, atleast the material doesn't corrode
New Vettes are not fiberglass. The old ones were. And I'm assuming that Vettes you would consider are the older F/G ones.
You don't want one. Fiberglass was horrible body material for cars.
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So its scheduled production date is September 6th 1969.... Problem solved
September 6, 1968, not 1969. This is a Windsor built car. Sequence portion of the vin indicates 17499 cars, which would have been about right for an end of July/beginning of August start to the next model year's production.
If only there was a way to have time & Money, seems I have one or the other,
If only there was a way to have time & Money, seems I have one or the other,
Welcome to the adult world
Yeah Kevin, that was goof on my part pointed out earlier in the thread.
Angry white man, remember. Can't let it go quite yet....Too bad you feel that way Stan
Give me time...
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Not too many things make me angry (more than than a few minutes) any more.
The last 12 months probably cost me 10 years....Stress definitely kills!