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this one may be leaving soon it looks like...

I think it has the best chances to move considering the Fury collection. It is rare, is driveable, matching# and could be used as is. Even though it should get the attention to return it to factory stock

just seems to be no one with any $$$... at least i have mine!
If that is the case then restore the damn car if you have it in you. Lots of cars and lots of talk and it has apparently been going on for years. So why not show us if you have any restoration skills and restore one of them. It is only money. Put up or shut up. Hear the same crap from someone with a beat up 427 GTE (far more desirable) and thinks it is a #2 car. I know he has been smoking way too much weed and is hallucinating.
I am absolutely, straight, sober and lucid, and even I can see your deranged mind, Dan. You are not the most clever huckster in the world. You have sold only the last vestiges of any sympathy anyone gave to your cause down the river. Forever. Eternity.
Enjoy, from now on, that you're a legend for all the wrong reasons. I couldn't live with that myself. I would eat chit first.
Dan, your cars are now radioactive. No one dares to even be given one because they are so tainted.
"Hey. Are you the idiot that bought that hunk of crap from that crazy guy from, I think out on the west coast somewhere?"
Dan feel free to give me your cars.
I can live with the fact that other people think I am an idiot :eek:)))
one of the rarest C bodies built
only 2 built and i won them both!
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