73 Imperial "McGoldy" to join the Minnesota herd.

Doc.... I love this one.

And the burgundy coupe.... and the red hotrod... and Tina too.
Javier...you left out Old Red...the one that actually rides and handles the smoothest of all the 4 doors...:lol:
Glad I could get to her today and get my Imperial fix...she looks good with the snow and Big Rig in background.
Hard to believe McGoldy is as long or longer than Big Rig! And the Millennials ***** about trucks being to big to park.....
Hey Doc do you know the size of that white wall? Is it 10mm thick or 20mm?
Seems to be the same, but difference between 10mm and 20mm isn't that huge from a distance
Doc, where's Lee at this time? I request a load of pics.
Doc, where's Lee at this time? I request a load of pics.
She's in neighboring Wisconsin for a couple more weeks. I am hoping to get a nice photo shoot with Lee and Tina Patina at the shop after she gets delivered. I might make an earlier shop trip just to test drive Tina on 2/25.
Doc may need to open a dealership at some point.Heh.B.B
I'm better off keeping them spread out and hidden from wifey...a low profile approach...a dealership angle would broadcast too much attention...at least I'm safe with you guys here in the forum world............................................................…I think.:wideyed: