73 Imperial "McGoldy" to join the Minnesota herd.

Yeah, I know. But when you retire, assuming you are not yet, then it will all hit you - trust me, and then at least part of it will sprout back again and you will realize what you have done! OMG!!!
Whenever I line them up together: I think what the h#ll?!?
Just the amount of metal surface area, length, weight, volume, etc...
I dunno...I get so much enjoyment with them...it's therapy...think it's because I work in such a small space all day long.
***I don't work to retire...I may die at work someday...happily....love it too much...can't walk away from it.:lol:
Lifer inmate named Bubba tried pullin' the "I dropped the soap" line...I said, "Just take the F@*#! picture, will ya, Bubba!

Here's an idea Mike. Fly into London or Toronto and I'll meet you with TX9 then you can show it at Moparfest. Never been shown before. Then have a nice cruise back to Minnesota!
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