A good day for another "Let's Discuss" thread.


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
Let the battle begin.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
My work blocks most of the file sharing sites like flicker so I often don't see the pictures. So I'll grab my (work) Iphone and check to see what I am missing.

So long as they're staying there, that's all they rellay need to get ahead. Hell with a 100K you could live like a king there, literally, for the rest of your life.

Just try to get your management to understand them. If it isn't on a script, they can't do anything. That's why a lot of companies that are out ahead of the curve are on-shoring again.

No big deal.
Ok lets see if i can set this thread off with an innocuous statement.

So how about that Pope eh? A former bouncer too.
You're not getting off that easy.

Let's try this one instead...

Obama commutes sentences of eight crack cocaine offenders


Wow you came out guns blazing huh, well i will put my five cents worth in , its gonna be a long one cos i like value for money, this five cents is gonna be stretched far :p

Alrighty having read the article i can see what Obama is saying regards disparities between the different types of drugs and the consequent penalties regarding time in jail, on the face of it it makes some sense but i am not sure whether equalizing the penalties between drugs stands up. I have no idea what it means to differ between crack cocaine and powder cocaine but I would imagine it would have to deal with its effects on society and individuals as a whole. To put this in perspective lets compare totally different drugs, lets say Marijuana, Marijuana is smoked off and on by a large percentage of the population to no major ill affect, its been around long enough that its known well and truly how it affects people and it probably can be argued it compares well to alcohol and its effects. i do remember seeing on TV four police captains that were asked about what they have seen comparing the two and they all said alcohol is far worse, so many car accidents and domestic violence disputes and public fights etc with alcohol being the cause, but with Marijuana there really isnt a problem, mind you, a lot of the heavier drugs have similar issues health-wise and conduct wise compared to alcohol.
Personally i am against drugs i don't take any of them and i don't even drink alcohol or smoke. No I'm not Muslim, i just never developed a taste for it.
On another note the amount of jail time for drug dealers addicts etc just doesn't work, there's more drugs and dealers every passing year, something far different has to be tried, i don't think locking them up for longer is the answer, the taxpayers dollar pays for their stay in Jail as it is. Right now America has more people in jail per population size than any other nation, in fact compared to China which has like 1.4 million people in jails with a population of 1.3billion doesn't compare to the states which as almost 2 million people incarcerated for a population size of 300 million.
As a side note during the 1700's the jails of Britain were overflowing with prisoners so much they had them locked up in barges on the rivers and when Australia was colonized most were shipped there, but it had no affect on crime in Britain, they still had overflowing jails.
Put them in the military for minor crimes might help straighten them out, or have non violent offenders put to good use somehow else. I do believe violent offenders need to be removed from society to protect the people, I'm sure quite a few drug related criminals would have to stay in jail for that.
There has to be a way to discourage people from going down that path, lighter sentences for some, Okay if you do that, then it has to be balanced with finding something else to discourage them from going back out into society and doing it all over again. i remember listening to an excon who did hard time say this, "You know they lock you up in maximum security prison where you have to watch your back and fight to survive on a weekly basis and you have the frustration and anger of being in that environment for years building up more and more and more, then one day, they let you out!"
I say legalize them all regulate and tax, overdoses and addictions are going to continue either way, alcohol and tobacco are just as addicting and harmful, also if I can buy any kind of gun I want at some gun show in a civic center or fire hall but I have to go to some shady neighborhood and deal with some goofy people to buy a joint, come on the war on drugs is a another scare tactic "ohhhh the drug dealer boogieman is going to get you" so we need more money to keep you safe, from what make them legal then let a renegade drug dealer try to undercut Wal-Mart, he will be wishing for the old system, just looking out for DEA. JMO
I applaud Obama's decision here. Mandatory minimums for drug offenders seems unreasonable to me.
Didn't Michigan have a policy of mandatory life for drug trafficking which was anything over a certain amount and in a vehicle or something stupid like that and all they ended up with was a bunch of nonviolent people clogging up the courts and prisions FOR LIFE.
Actually, my point was to illustrate how the Federal gum'mint is getting into all the affairs that belong at the local level.
WTF is Obama doing sticking his nose in on this? To further push HIS ideology.
Google: "Hitler National Socialism"
Oh well. FAIL.
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I dont understand why people call Hitler socialist just cos the name was in the moniker of the party, he was a fascist through and through and idolized Mussolini. Hitler got into power using the socialist brownshirts and calling for revolution and once he had power he killed off the leaders of the brownshirts and had them disbanded, revolution over, he got what he wanted.
I say legalize them all regulate and tax, overdoses and addictions are going to continue either way, alcohol and tobacco are just as addicting and harmful, also if I can buy any kind of gun I want at some gun show in a civic center or fire hall but I have to go to some shady neighborhood and deal with some goofy people to buy a joint, come on the war on drugs is a another scare tactic "ohhhh the drug dealer boogieman is going to get you" so we need more money to keep you safe, from what make them legal then let a renegade drug dealer try to undercut Wal-Mart, he will be wishing for the old system, just looking out for DEA. JMO
You had the balls to write what I've always believed. Prohibition will never work in a democracy. Regulation does.
I dont understand why people call Hitler socialist just cos the name was in the moniker of the party, he was a fascist through and through and idolized Mussolini. Hitler got into power using the socialist brownshirts and calling for revolution and once he had power he killed off the leaders of the brownshirts and had them disbanded, revolution over, he got what he wanted.
Don't think Hitler had a problem with the private sector as long as they weren't Jewish. The Nazis had a lot of large corporate financial support. The Stalhelm and later derivatives were not actually Socialist. They viewed the Social Democrats as the lesser of 2 evils (communists). They became entrenched due to the Weimar government screwing up the economy so badly. My .02.
You had the balls to write what I've always believed. Prohibition will never work in a democracy. Regulation does.
I am against regulating all drugs.
For example, pot is the absolute best example of the free market system unencumbered by big business and government.
Go anywhere in the country. Anywhere. Street value is roughly $10/gram give or take. It has stabilized at that price for what seems like forever. Pure supply and demand in it's purest Economics 101 form. You can't find a better example.

And it's the number one cash crop in the U.S. To which this cash is fed into the market system.

Regulate it. Ooops. Taxes. That's a whole wrench in the works where your PhD in economics is needed to explain how that kills market economics.

Big business. Another Ooops, only worse. Allow them to jump on the gravy train and the first thing they do is form lobbies to get government to enact laws which allow them to control the former free market.

Just what we need. R.J Reynolds selling to us through Walmart what THEY find to be the most profitable.
Low grade Chinese pot loaded with mercury coming in by the container load packaged in blister packs at $50/gram.

In this case prohibition works.

Oh, and Malcom agrees...

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That's a very interesting point of view. I had never thought of it that way before.

Prohibition doesn't work, we can maybe even all agree to that. But, as Stan points out, regulation isn't necessarily the answer.

Handing marijuana to the BATF would be a joke. And legalizing it without allowing people to grow their own is like telling people not to grow tomatoes.