A hole left by outsourcing!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2012
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972351_10201084995428209_1467359758_n.jpgKenosha Wi, thousands of people made a fair days wage for many decades working at the plant. As Chrysler was getting bailed out by the government, our tax dollars paid for the demolition of the old plant and the building of one in Mexico.

why cant everyone see it this way.......

"We have been sold out by the president of the United States and his so-called car czar," said Kenosha Ald. Patrick Juliana. "It should have been up to them to make sure that every United States autoworker had a shot at keeping their job."
so what will go there now, apartments? Shopping center? Hospital? Church? Anything that cant possibly help the rateables.
so what will go there now, apartments? Shopping center? Hospital? Church? Anything that cant possibly help the rateables.
More then likely, government housing, the city is becoming a sh$% hole. Use to be a wonderful place to raise a family. Once all the factory jobs left, all the hard working families went too.
Here's the biggest one in the country:


Damn. This post just put me on the NSA watch list, didn't it?
The thing that pissed me off about that whole deal was the "Cash for Clunkers" We gave ppl money to buy foreign cars. Even the ppl that say well some of them are built here. OK they may be built here but they are built by ppl who don't make a livable wage and do they cost any less than a Ford, Chrysler or Chevy, ah no!!! I read an article in the paper a few years ago when VW was building their plant in Chattanoga TN. The guy said he is going to get a job at that plant because they pay a great wage........$12.50 an hour. I do not know what kind of trailer and Kia you can buy in PA on that kind of wage. :soapbox::soapbox::sFl_america2:
Since the gum'mint bailout which stiffed thousands of American workers and vendors, GM is recording record profits worldwide while American market share is STILL dropping. GM is now positioning itself to manufacture in China and export to here.
I am sure all the people that shop at ChinaMart, i mean WalMart will be very happy, they can order their new Chevy, get groceries and a new chinese Toaster at one convenient location:mob::mob::mob:
Instead of handouts how about a mandate. If you close a NA faciltity and move production overseas nothing that you produce overseas can be sold here. The first politican with the balls to say that gets my vote.
i wonder how long it'll be before the AMC clubs give up and stop holding their big anniv show there every year?

Like someone said, once the jobs are gone the working fams move out and the slugs move in. See you in the gulag Stan, we'll be there with all other who believe in working and not being told by the govt how many times a day we can take a dump. Enough ranting for today.
IMHO, All you need to do to slow down imports is require that every manufactured item is made in a factory that complies with the same rules and regs that we require US factories to comply with.

Import a widget from China and that widget needs to have been made in a widget factory that can't just dump their crap into the air or water and has to have OSHA type safety. That above all else will make the playing field even.