A hole left by outsourcing!!!!!!!

IMHO, All you need to do to slow down imports is require that every manufactured item is made in a factory that complies with the same rules and regs that we require US factories to comply with.

Import a widget from China and that widget needs to have been made in a widget factory that can't just dump their crap into the air or water and has to have OSHA type safety. That above all else will make the playing field even.

that's why this 'free trade' bs is just that........the playing field is not level. Problem is, the people want this, they are the ones who keep voting the pols in who are doing it. And has anyone noticed the quality of everything has gone into the toilet? We went through 5 hose nozzles before i decided to put a wanted ad on CL for an old style metal one. The new ONES ARE CHEAP PLastic junk, made to break fast so we can keep buying and propping up the chinese economy. We don't need the jobs here since so many are on welfare now anyway.

And don't get me started on that hole Walmart, after Sam died his kids ran it into the ground. We don't shop there, the one in Carlisle is filthy, and the clientele are not the same as you normally find in Target, for instance. And i'll be damned if i'm going to wait in line for 20 mins to hand you my $$, even if it's christmastime. I've taken to trying to find the kids toys that are made better, and it's mostly a waste of time (kind of like my car shopping!).

And the European way is not all good......in Switzerland, for instance, there is only 1 place in most towns/cities that you can shop for groceries, it's a monopoly covering the entire country. so if you don't like their prices, you starve.
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IMHO, All you need to do to slow down imports is require that every manufactured item is made in a factory that complies with the same rules and regs that we require US factories to comply with.

Import a widget from China and that widget needs to have been made in a widget factory that can't just dump their crap into the air or water and has to have OSHA type safety. That above all else will make the playing field even.

Yeah. And force them to hire unionized labor too, that should get their prices up nicely to compete with US labor...
You're obviously in favor of 12 hour, 6 day work weeks with no piss breaks....

Ah nope but I'm not in favor of unions milking companies dry either. The vast majority of my family has been union all my life. a carpenter, several Steel workers, and two teamsters. I see how the union leaders are for the union leaders and give the members what little bit they need to in order to stay leaders. I'll have no part of someone else controlling my life thank you. Don't like where I am and the conditions I can go somewhere else, don't need no stinkin' card to get a new job. I'm highly specialized. But that's what keeps us a single income household.
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Ah nope but I'm not in favor of unions milking companies dry either. The vast majority of my family has been union all my life. a carpenter, several Steel workers, and two teamsters. I see how the union leaders are for the union leaders and give the members what little bit they need to in order to stay leaders. I'll have no part of someone else controlling my life thank you. Don't like where I am and the conditions I can go somewhere else, don't need no stinkin' card to get a new job. I'm highly specialized. But that's what keeps us a single income household.

Im a union steamfitter and highly specialized also. Anyday of the week I will put my crew and myself against anybody in the country, union or non-union and will come away from a job that was done efficiently and with the best craftsmanship you can buy. My union leader makes less then the average local member and can be voted out at anytime. If you suck at what you do in my local, you sit on the bench, no company will hire you. I have 16 welding certifications that has taken me countless hours of time away from my family and probably over 20,000 dollars in training provided by my union and CEOs think we should make 10.00 bucks a hour. Screw that, open your eyes. American workers pay, has become nothing but a race to the bottom, and no one wins, union or non-union. Sorry about the Union speech, but it just gets old, when everybody keeps blaming the unions, when Im out there busting my as@ day in and day out.
Yeah. And force them to hire unionized labor too, that should get their prices up nicely to compete with US labor...

IMHO, the price for labor is only part of the puzzle and that could be easily offset by import/export costs. I'm not going to get into union v. non union employees as I'm sure my opinion would do nothing but really annoy one side or the other.

But let's face it, we, as consumers, drive the market for cheaper goods. We want more and we want to pay less for it. We also throw it away when we're done and go on to the next one so there's no real need for quality. The cheapest sells and the rest stays on the shelf. We've created the market and now we've become dependent on that market.
Sorry Big John, I disagree. I pay more for the red, white and blue on the tag. Whenever possible I look for the made in USA label and thats the one I buy.

But I do know I am in the minority ( once again):sFl_america2:
Sorry Big John, I disagree. I pay more for the red, white and blue on the tag. Whenever possible I look for the made in USA label and thats the one I buy.

But I do know I am in the minority ( once again):sFl_america2:

I do too. I try for the US made item when possible, but the reality is it's really hard to do. Most likely most of us that are into old American cars will buy US made if they can.

The average consumer though.... Not so much.
Yeah. And force them to hire unionized labor too, that should get their prices up nicely to compete with US labor...

Don't know you but bet your a WalMart shopper, just like the politicians that want to abolish the 40 hr work week and all the other stuff the 1% wants us to adopt. Get me an application for one of them factories where I can give up being an Electrician and put a spark plug wire on a KIA for 12 bucks an hour....................Be real
Sorry Big John, I disagree. I pay more for the red, white and blue on the tag. Whenever possible I look for the made in USA label and thats the one I buy.
So, ideally, you want it Made in the USA by non-union workers.

< Sent from my tablet >
Some of my Army buddies just came back from a 7,500 mile road trip out west on motorcycles. Most of their trip was on back roads through small towns. They said they were surprised to see a lot of small businesses and stores thriving in these small towns. Do you know what all those thriving small towns had in common?

No Walmart's......
I pay more for the red, white and blue on the tag. Whenever possible I look for the made in USA label and thats the one I buy.But I do know I am in the minority ( once again):sFl_america2:

ditto........only problem is most of the stuff you can't find made in the USA

even my beloved Levi's are no longer made here.....it's a lot cheaper to make and ship them from somewhere else, but they still want $45 for a frickin pair
Yeah , I know, the slobs at the Wal Mart and Harbor Freight are a perfect case in point
All my tools are craftsman and i'm proud of it. on an interesting side note, i also have my great uncle's toolbox that he used when working on locomotives for union pacific after he was discharged from svc in WW2. There are 6 diff name brands on those tools, none of which are in business today, and all 6 of which are made in the USA.......says so on every piece. I used the 1 1/6 (i think) to raise the height of the torsion bar on my red polara rag, nothing like a big wrench with lots of leverage.