A hole left by outsourcing!!!!!!!

All of my tools back in my Super Bee days (over 40 years old) were Snap On.......which were stolen out of my car in Milwaukee several years ago!

I mostly have Craftsman tools now. I buy tools when in a pinch from AAP, AZ, etc. Sears (with a decent tool selection) is 20 miles away from me.
Don't know you but bet your a WalMart shopper, just like the politicians that want to abolish the 40 hr work week and all the other stuff the 1% wants us to adopt. Get me an application for one of them factories where I can give up being an Electrician and put a spark plug wire on a KIA for 12 bucks an hour....................Be real

You're right, you don't know me. Walmart sees very little if any money from me. The $12 an hour is all that job is worth, not the $40 the UAW workers got.

I'll keep my mouth shut on the rest of my opinions of unionized labor. Though I do still laugh at the bakers union at Hostess, extremely entertaining. How's that collective bargaining working for them now.... bwahahaha

So, ideally, you want it Made in the USA by non-union workers.

< Sent from my tablet >

And what's the problem with that? Look a Duluth Trading. Coupla poor union slobs get an idea to strike out and make something of themselves and start a clothing company. They pitch their stuff directly at the union worker. I have yet to see them admit to using unionized labor to make their products. Prohibitively expensive products are the result. Though I do admit the firehose shorts are the bomb, and the insulated jeans are tops in my book during the winter.
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Duluth makes squat in the USA, how are their prices on their foreign made crap. Clever advertisment compaign. People that say you can not buy Made in USA do not shop, you can buy almost everything made here and give someone a decent job. I will shut my mouth now before i make an enemy. Also do your homework before you run your mouth, the execs raped Hostess, had nothing to do with the workforce. :sFl_america2:
They make some in the US, you just gotta look and pay for it. On the order of $30 bucks more per pair.
All my tools are craftsman and i'm proud of it. on an interesting side note, i also have my great uncle's toolbox that he used when working on locomotives for union pacific after he was discharged from svc in WW2. There are 6 diff name brands on those tools, none of which are in business today, and all 6 of which are made in the USA.......says so on every piece. I used the 1 1/6 (i think) to raise the height of the torsion bar on my red polara rag, nothing like a big wrench with lots of leverage.

A lot of the tool companies have been bought up over the years and "absorbed" into larger brands. Danaher comes to mind here. The larger the company, the less they care about anything except making $$. If it has a higher margin if it's made overseas... then it get made overseas.

I could go on a rant about precision tools here.... But I don't want to bore you guys too much.
Try to find a computer, TV, or a phone that YOU are using that is made in the USA.....
The Apple ][e sitting next to me was made in the US.

Try again....

Where Are Apple iPods Manufactured?

By Sam Costello, About.com Guide


Question: Where Are Apple iPods Manufactured?
While anyone who has bought an iPod, iPhone, or other Apple product has seen the note on the company’s packaging that its products are designed in California, they’re not manufactured there.
Answer:Apple iPods, iPhones, and other products are manufactured for Apple by Foxconn, a Taiwan-based company (technically, Foxconn is the company’s trade name; the firm’s official name is Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd).
The iPod and iPhone are manufactured in Shenzen, China, though Foxconn maintains factories in countries across the world, including Thailand, Malaysia, the Czech Republic, South Korea, Singapore, and the Philippines.


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Try to find a computer, TV, or a phone that YOU are using that is made in the USA.....

my main tv set is...........granted, it's the last of the consoles, bought in 1992. have gone through 2 flat screens in the BR over the past 6 yrs, i finally went to CL and found a 2003 JVC tube tv, gorgeous picture, for free.

try finding something made nowadays that will last this long..........
No matter what you buy in general, there will hardly be any product where every work process or small part was done in your own country.
Recently saw a report and correct me if I remember this wrong, that said no jeans cloth at all is produced in the US for a long time, don't remember though which eastern country was in charge most likely India, they even had the looms taken over from US manufacturers back then. So at best you'll find a pair of jeans that was sewn together domestically.
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Try again...

The Apple ][e hasn't been made since 1993.

LOL! Are you talking about this?

The computer part at least. I have newer disk drives and monitor for mine. Sadly, I checked the back and even back then it was "assembled in singapore." (Mine are 1986 stamped.)
Yup, as do all of the others in my antique Apple collection. Others I have of a similar vintage include an Apple IIgs, a Mac Plus and an SE/30.



Plus a massive amount of 90's stuff... these are just the really old ones. I also have a NIB Timex Sinclair 1000, but I mostly do Apple stuff.
Some of these fetch collector prices I heard, probably a better investment than a C-body. :)
Still better investment as you need less storage room than for a C-body. :)



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Sorta, but just like cars don't always store well neither do these. The old capacitors tend to blow up and leak goo all over the board. Then it needs scrubbed and recapped. Worst case scenario is when a PRAM Battery goes nuclear like the one in my SE/30 seems to have done before I got it. Luckily, the board was ok.