Senior Member
Class envy, along with the lazy *** who wont get up and go to work are the ones killing America. We need to take back the America that my father and his father built. Tearing down your neighbor, because he makes more or is in a union is not the answer. Standing together so the working American gets his fair shake is what is needed. We all need to open our eyes.
what is really killing us is that the voters keep putting people in office who enact these laws......even voters who are stupids enough to work and vote in those who look down on that. Remember, Elizabeth Warren commented "if you have a business, you didn't build that", just like another person said, and she got elected. Not one working person should have voted for her, but people are actually that stupid. they don 't think abt it until it directly affects them.
those who do not work will never have the same as those who do.......the govt will only give the bare min to get by, so that's all they will have. those who work do so in order to provide a higher standard, and it works. I could give you a prime example of something but it'll take some typing......maybe later if i feel like writing it.