Ads are effectively irritating


Regarding your post above.

"I don't care who you are, that's funny right there!" to quote Larry the Cable Guy


Ads do a lot to pay for the website which takes a lot of dedication and time. people don't always appreciate what goes on behind the scenes. I don't mind seeing them on the web pages, but I'm happy to pay pennies a day to keep them from popping up!

no comment on how other people feel about "ads". Free country and NOMB.

Specifically however, I got no beef with FCBO and how the fund their digital operating needs :)

digital era businesses come to the best decision they can. given they (i.e., digital ads) are a fact of life/here to stay. Overused cliché, but nevertheless an economic truism: no such thing as a free lunch.

i became a FCBO gold member mainly for content/hobbyists reasons ... the "no ads" feature was "gravy"to me but wasnt/isnt a reason to stay or go for ME.

It (i.e., digital marketing using ads) does tend to annoy me anywhere i encounter it on-line (everywhere), but usually not to the degree i'd vote my displeasure with my feet.

OTOH, for my streaming movie/TV subscriptions i dont mind ads .. no "value" to me in an "ad free" option that usually raises the providers price. Not worth it to ME.

happy new year all.
Also, don't forget the saying / theory:

If you're getting it for free, YOU are the product.

On behalf of no one, thanks to all the members to continue to produce valuable content here, in our esoteric corner of the digital world.

Happy New Year!