Back Again- The Story of my 73 New Yorker Brougham!


New Member
Aug 28, 2024
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Back in the family again!

So a few months ago when we bought my Great Grandpa house I started looking for cars to drive while back there and save on a rental (about $700 per time). So I looked in a 500 mile radius of the house and up pops a 1973 New Yorker about 600 miles east in eastern Pennsylvania.

The car looked very very familiar and I started to ask questions about it. I messaged my cousin and we both thought it was the New Yorker that my Uncle and Aunt bought new in 1973 and had let go of some years before. It took many trips to California, Las Vegas and shuttled many family including my grandparents many many times through the years. It was the car cousins took their drivers tests on, went to weddings, to work and everything in between. One story my Grandma always used to talk about was the time when the ac was broken in the summer and they drove to Las Vegas. Grandma said she always got a good tan from the backseat!

I loved the car in 2008 when I saw it at my Uncle’s and it began my fascination with Malaise era Chryslers. In 2019 at Malaise Daze I saw a Newport from the era and it reminded me of the New Yorker which was sold some years before.

I messaged the owner about the receipts in the glovebox and the various special parts of the New Yorker including a motorized CB antenna, cb stations and the zbarted underside. Eventually I was sent the receipts, imagine my surprise when all the receipts were in my Uncle’s name. This was not just any New Yorker Brougham but THE New Yorker!

The seller and I worked out a deal and I arranged transport to a shop near my Uncle Jim’s house. I found a transporter through AACA, and the day came to pick it up (while we were at Disneyland no less) Managing this from 2700 miles away was a feat in itself!

So the car has returned to where it belongs. We have already replaced the carbuerator, radiator, exhaust and the A/C is currently being worked on. The New Yorker is in great shape, we will have it detailed and the paint is in salvageable condition except for one fender the interior is great. We will eventually replace the 1981 Sears tires that my Uncle and Aunt bought on one of their many trips to California.

My Uncle was reunited with ‘Big Red’ and I visited it as well.

Thank you to the seller for putting in the gas tank and getting it rolling and for a great transaction and honesty! Thank you to my wife for encouraging me to buy it, Thank you also to my Cousin for all her help and to my Uncle and Aunt for storing ‘Big Red’!

I am excited to be the next owner of this beautiful Brougham and we are all happy it’s back in the family where it belongs!










Such a great story and outstanding history! Congratulations!

Fantastic story @73NewYorker -- I would suggest to replace the tires ASAP, as the car cannot possibly be safe to drive with 23-year old rubber. With whitewalls, the look would be similar to when the car was new!

Save for the exterior color (GE7 vs. JA5), your NYB looks similarly equipped to Ming, my 1973 NYB -- save perhaps for the A/C type (manual vs. automatic). You may find Ming's restoration thread relevant.